A place to enjoy good music, drink in some knowledge, and watch a little sports. Where there is always food for thought, topped with choice grillings of right wing talking points.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Pulling The Wool Over American Eyes
Disallowing discussion of the truth about how bad things are in Iraq only serves to keep the American public in the dark ... it has zero impact on the so-called insurgents.
The Citizens Of South Dakota Speak Up
They have collected double the signatures needed to put this referendum on the ballot.
What disturbed me most about South Dakota's state legislature's move is that their focal point was not what was good or bad for the consituents of South Dakota, but to be the wedge that got the abortion issue before the Supreme Court. The citizens of the state of South Dakota have spoken up, and they do not want their state tax dollars to go to defend this stupid ban on abortion, just so the wingnuts that run their state can get abortion before the Supreme Court.
Now to watch the measure, and see if it goes down in flames at the ballot box in November.
Kudos to the people of South Dakota for standing up to their misguided state legislature.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Anniversary Of The Last Throes Of The Insurgency
KING: When do we leave? [snip]
KING: You expect it in your administration?
D. CHENEY: I do.
KING: To be removed. It's not going to be -- it's not going to be a 10-year event?
D. CHENEY: No. I think we may well have some kind of presence there over a period of time. But I think the level of activity that we see today, from a military standpoint, I think will clearly decline. I think they're in the last throes, if you will, of the insurgency. We've had reporting in recent days, Larry, about Zarqawi, who's sort of the lead terrorist, outside terrorist, al Qaeda, head of al Qaeda for Iraq, may well have been seriously injured. We don't know. We can't confirm that. We've had reporting to that effect.
Just because Dick Cheney says it, doesn't make it true. He has consistently spoke shit as if it were shinola. According to Dickie, he expects to see the troops out of Iraq sometime during his administration. According to Bush, “[T]he war began on my watch, but it’s going to end on your watch. Your generation will bring us victory in the war on terror.”
Monday, May 29, 2006
The Memory Hole

In Memory Of Those Who Served And Died

The eastern world it tis explodin',
violence flarin', bullets loadin',
you're old enough to kill but not for votin',
you don't believe in war, what's that gun you're totin',
and even the Jordan river has bodies floatin',
but you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.
Don't you understand, what I'm trying to say?
Can't you see the fear that I'm feeling today?
If the button is pushed, there's no running away,
There'll be no one to save with the world in a grave,
take a look around you, boy, it's bound to scare you, boy,
but you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.
Yeah, my blood's so mad, feels like coagulatin',
I'm sittin' here, just contemplatin',
I can't twist the truth, it knows no regulation,
handful of Senators don't pass legislation,
and marches alone can't bring integration,
when human respect is disintegratin',
this whole crazy world is just too frustratin',
and you tell me over and over and over again my friend,
ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.
Think of all the hate there is in Red China!
Then take a look around to Selma, Alabama!
Ah, you may leave here, for four days in space,
but when you return, it's the same old place,
the poundin' of the drums, the pride and disgrace,
you can bury your dead, but don't leave a trace,
hate your next-door-neighbour, but don't forget to say grace,
and you tell me over and over and over and over again my friend,
ah, you don't believe we're on the eve of destruction.
Recorded by "Barry McGuire
"Written by "P.F. Sloan"
Album: "Eve of Destruction"
Sunday, May 28, 2006
California Appeals Court Rules In Favor Of Bloggers
Good news for us bloggers here in California, that's for sure.A state appeals court on Friday rejected Apple Computer Inc.'s bid to identify the sources of leaked product information that appeared on Web sites, ruling that online reporters and bloggers are entitled to the same protections as traditional journalists.
"In no relevant respect do they appear to differ from a reporter or editor for a traditional business-oriented periodical who solicits or otherwise comes into possession of confidential internal information about a company," Justice Conrad Rushing of the 6th District Court of Appeal wrote in a unanimous 69-page ruling.
"We decline the implicit invitation to embroil ourselves in questions of what constitutes 'legitimate journalism," he wrote. "The shield law is intended to protect the gathering and dissemination of news, and that is what petitioners did here."
The online journalists are thus entitled to the protections provided under California's shield law as well as the privacy protections for e-mails allowed under federal law, the court ruled.
Theft of Veterans Affairs data could pose national security threat?
While the MSM is deflecting attention to the "credit theft" aspect of the story, this post concentrates on the "access to military installations" aspect.
Retiree's of the armed forces carry military "identification and privilege" cards (so they can get through military base security and shop at the post exchange, etc.). This ID card is known as a Department of Defense Form 2765 (yeah, it's a card but it called a "form"). Anyone could use the Soc. Sec. #, Date of Birth, etc. to fraudulently obtain a military identification card (one issed to retirees) and then gain access to any military installation (and, if
som desired, commit espionage or sabotage).
This is serious, and merits further attention.
And please don't call me son, unless I was circumsized very short at birth and my momma's been cross dressing me since, I am a WOMAN!
I post a lot on AOL hockey message boards. I've been addicted to the forum since 1996, and I still pay for AOL simply to post on those damn boards!
I started hanging out on the Carolina Hurricanes board back in 1998 when Sergei Fedorov was given an offer sheet that was so extreme, it rocked the NHL norm at that time. I posted about my "stalker" from that time in this post. Given the Canes final four berth, and their conference finals with the Buffalo Sabres, the message board has been dominated by about four people trashing each other.
The above post, though, made me laugh out loud.
The Stanley Cup

What can I say about sports' oldest trophy, that hockey fans around the world don't already know.
Well, some things people don't know. The trophy, unlike any others, is given to each player on the team for 24 hours at a time, to do with what they want.
Most of course, spend hours at children's wards in hospitals. But, some, like Chris Simon ... take it fishing!
Other interesting towns/cities that the Cup has visited: Fishing Lake, AB -- a Native reservation of the Metis Nation four hours from Edmonton; Anchorage, Alaska with Scott Gomez; Wawa, Ontario with Chris Simon.
Newly released e-mails allege U.S. government officials ressured a leading Internet authority into voting against creating a kind of red-light district for adult Web sites.
The apparent involvement of the U.S. Department of Commerce, President Bush's chief political operative Karl Rove and others is significant. If true, it means the U.S. government violated terms of a complicated arrangement it has with ICANN, the Internet authority that voted 9-5 last week not to OK the .xxx proposal.
Interesting piece about government influence in killing the porn domain. I don't know what it is about this administration and it's preoccupation with sex. The .xxx is a perfect way to separate and control the trafficking of internet porn.
Hillary And Lieberman
And it’s not just Iraq. A letter sent by Hillary Clinton to Connecticut Democrats credited Mr. Lieberman with defending Social Security "tooth and nail." Well, I watched last year’s Social Security debate pretty closely, and that’s not what happened. In fact, Mr. Lieberman repeatedly supported the administration’s scare tactics. "Every year we wait to come up with a solution to the Social Security problem," he declared in March 2005, "costs our children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren $600 billion more."
Courtesy of Firedoglake, quoting a NYT Krugman piece. The piece is more about how Lieberman is totally out of touch with the constituency he represents, and the American populace as a whole. But, I chose the above comment because it shows Hillary Clinton's absurd support of Lieberman, to the point of outright lying. I post this not to discuss Lieberman, but to make sure the Hilleriates get the message... she is a shill for the corporate owners of our government.
Run. Run away.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Another Yahoo Friday Random Ten
1. Sunshine Superman - Donovan
2. People Got To Be Free - The Rascals
3. You Made Me So Very Happy - Blood, Sweat & Tears
4. Mitras Commander - Plastilina Mosh
5. What's New? - West Montgomery
6. Let's Get Serious - Jermaine Jackson
7. Clockwork - Descent
8. Some Kind Of Wonderful - Grand Funk Railroad
9. Looking For A Leader - Neil Young
10. Boondocks - Little Big Town
Bonus Track:
11. Lonely Weekends - Charlie Rich
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Right Wing Blog Still In Denial
But, we were greeted as liberators...and no one ever said the war would pay for itself, nor did anyone ever say we'd be out in a year...Posted by: Mark Noonan
It is simply amazing to me that people are still spouting this swill. We were not greeted as liberators, and Rummy and his buddies most certainly did say the war would pay for itself, and they also did say we'd be out in a few months, tops! Un fucking believable!
UPDATE 5/24/06: These posts followed:
Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz: “There’s a lot of money to pay for this that doesn’t have to be U.S. taxpayer money, and it starts with the assets of the Iraqi people [House Committee on Appropriations Hearing on a Supplemental
War Regulation, 3/27/03]State Department Official Alan Larson: “On the resource side, Iraq itself will rightly shoulder much of the responsibilities.[Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing on Iraq Stabilization, 06/04/03]
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld“Well, the Office of Management and Budget, has come up come up with a number that's something under $50 billion for the cost." 1/19/03
Feb. 7, 2003 Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, to U.S. troops in Aviano, Italy: "It is unknowable how long that conflict will last. It could last six days, six weeks. I doubt six months."
March 16,2003 Vice President Cheney, on NBC's Meet the Press: "I think things have gotten so bad inside Iraq, from the standpoint of the Iraqi people, my belief is we will, in fact, be greeted as liberators. . . . I think it will go relatively quickly, . . . (in) weeks rather than months."
But, we were greeted as liberators...and no one ever said the war would pay for itself, nor did anyone ever say we'd be out in a year...Posted by: Mark Noonan
Posted by: axis
This was Mark's reply:
Axis, As I said, we were greeted as liberators...additionally, your Rumsfeld quote has to do with the initial invasion period (once again, selective, out-of-context quotes from a lefty...what a surprise), while the a great deal of the cost of Iraqi reconstruction has come out of Iraqi oil revenues...and, as I said, no one ever said we'd be out in a year, or that it would pay for itself...even your quotes don't say that...
Posted by: Mark Noonan
I guess it's painfully obvious that the president is going down with his faithful 28%. They're like rabid dogs that bite and don't let go. Grrrrrr.
Monday, May 22, 2006
Bonds, A Visual, Before And After

I'm at least thankful that he didn't tie the Babe's record here in L.A. during their last stint.
Hat Tip to PoliBlog, another blog I've never read before tonight.
I was curious to read some other "right wing" blogs, so I perused my favorite Blogs4Bush (haha) and, as with the traditional pin the tail on the donkey routine, clicked on the first link in their blogroll that my scrolling stopped on. Funny, I'm not really sure if PoliBlog is a right wing blog after all. Hmmmmmm.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
"a pit of very well-educated vipers..."
It really wasn't his fault that he got invited into a pit of very well-educated vipers ...
Best quote of the year, in my opinion!
Rest In Peace, Freddie

Freddie and The Dreamers.
Back in the '60's, I met this band when I was, oh, probably 15 or 16. I used to work Easter break at the "Teenage Fair" that was held at the Hollywood Palladium, which featured bands and assorted amusement park rides and games.
In the sixties, everyone in California wanted to be British, anyway... but it's hard to look good in Mod gear when it's 400 degrees outside ! Ron Mael & Russell Mael were teenagers during Los Angeles' musical golden period, where bands like the Doors, Love, the Standells and the Leaves played at the Whisky-a-Go-Go on Sunset Strip and Brian Wilson & the Beach Boys would play at the Teenage Fair, an afternoon event where bands performed in one tent and an exhibition for a new line of hipster jeans filled another.I was a Twinkie girl, replete with the requisite hot pants ... atop a giant twinkie cake, fending off boys throwing basketballs at my "hoops."
Meeting bands in the '60s was pretty cool.
American audiences were entranced by Garrity's zany stage antics (which resulted in frequent twisted ankles) and eagerly demanded the name of his unusual dance routine. "It's called the Freddie", he innocently replied. A US Top 20 hit rapidly followed with Do The Freddie.
RIP, Freddie. (Doing The Freddie)
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Mack The Knife And Villa Cabrini Academy
Sometimes, on the way to school, my mom would stop off at this diner located across the street from the Burbank airport, and we'd have breakfast before school. We'd get to order hot chocolate and a donut. The highlight was being given a quarter to put in the juke box to play a bunch of songs. That's when I would play Bobby Darin's Mack The Knife!
Which got me to thinking about those early days. I googled, zaped and yahoo'd, and found nary a picture of the school from the old days. This is a picture of what the inside of the church looked like.
But, I did find interesting sites put up by girls that went to the school.
Once, I remember a "famous" person coming to the school, and was later told it was Edward G. Robinson. Funny, I found a site where students who attended the school when he came to visit, actually have written about it.
Another interesting site contains stories written by girls influenced by girl's schools. I had not realized that the school was also an orphange until I read the piece, but I did know it boarded because, on occasion, when my mother failed to pick my sister and I up, we would spend the night at the school. Those were very interesting evenings. Bed was a cot in a large room. Dinner was in the large cafeteria. We were up early, breakfast, then mass (or perhaps mass was first, I really do not remember). We also went to summer school there. I was always fixated on the high school girls that would play music (for some reason I recall a juke box available to the high schoolers) where they would dance, and I, all of 8 or 9, would imitate them.
Best of all, they had an indoor swimming pool, and we went swimming every day in the summer.
I used to have a statue of Mother Cabrini. The nuns wore all black, full habit, like in the picture below.

Friday, May 19, 2006
Another FRT ...
1. Thank God It's Friday - Love & Kisses
2. I Got You - Craig Morgan
3. Picture of You - The Cure
4. Somebody Save Me - Cinderella
5. Drinkin' Bone - Tracy Byrd
6. Como Si No Nos Hubieramos Amado - Laura Pausini
7. Don't Treat Me Bad - Firehouse
8. Crosstown - Greg Adams
9. 96 Tears - ? & The Mysterians
10. Love Bites - Def Leppard (damn, my really all time fav) "... cuz making love to you might drive me crazy..."
Bonus Track:
11. Burning Like A Flame - Dokken
(where's my damn hairspray)
Please, Sir, Can You Screw Me Some More?
According to Blackwater's government contracts, obtained by The Nation, from September 8 to September 30, 2005, Blackwater was paid $409,000 for providing fourteen guards and four vehicles to "protect the temporary morgue in Baton Rouge, LA." That contract kicked off a hurricane boon for Blackwater. From September to the end of December 2005, the government paid Blackwater at least $33.3 million--well surpassing the amount of Blackwater's contract to guard Ambassador Paul Bremer when he was head of the US occupation of Iraq. And the company has likely raked in much more in the hurricane zone. Exactly how much is unclear, as attempts to get information on Blackwater's current contracts in New Orleans have been unsuccessful.
Ah ... more shit to make the American public "unsettled."
Unsettle This, You Moron
GREGORY: Let me ask you about your leadership. In the most recent survey, your disapproval rating is now one point lower than Richard Nixon’s before he resigned the presidency. You are laughing.
BUSH: I’m not laughing –
GREGORY: Why? Why do you think that is?
BUSH: Because we are at war, and war unsettles people. Listen, we got a great economy. We’ve added 5.2 million jobs in the last two and a half years. People are unsettled.
GREGORY: But they’re not just unsettled sir. They disapprove of the job you’re doing.BUSH: That’s unsettled.
What a fucking moron, and this is what passes for presidential these days? Notice how Bush can't avoid snickering. Boy, if he was in front of me doing that, my right hand would be across his face so fast and hard, it'd leave an imprint!
Wake up, Bush. The people are way more than unsettled ... they disapprove of you in large numbers.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Tobin Gets 10 Months In Jail, And 2 Years Probation
A former Republican National Committee official was sentenced Wednesday to 10 months in prison for his role in the jamming of New Hampshire Democrats' telephones on Election Day 2002.
James Tobin, 45, was found guilty in December of harassment by telephone.
That's it? Quite frankly, I'd rather have the votes back. Four years later, it's like, ok, so what? Yeah, he did it, they did it, they got the job done, and he does ten months. Big fucking deal, when put into the perspective of helping to rig the votes to get your "candidate" elected.
Defense Contractors To Build Border Fence
The quick fix may involve sending in the National Guard. But to really patch up the broken border, President Bush is preparing to turn to a familiar administration partner: the nation's defense contractors, the NEW YORK TIMES will report on page ones Thursday, RAW STORY has learned.
"Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman, three of the largest defense contractors, are among the companies that said they would submit bids for a multibillion-dollar federal contract to build a virtual fence along the nation's land borders." DEVELOPING....
Great, just what we really need. More incompetence at a high price to the taxpayers. We'll see cost overruns, charges for non-existent equipment and workers, the fence will take 25 years to build ... you get the picture!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Supreme Court Makes An Astonishing Right Of The People, Vanish Today
In striking down the lower court ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court not only ruled against Ohio taxpayers, but against all taxpayers. Chief Justice John Roberts, formerly a corporate lawyer, said in the official opinion that “State taxpayers have no standing … to challenge state tax or spending decisions simply by virtue of their status as taxpayers.” In other words, not only will the Ohio law remain, but state taxpayers throughout the country now have no legal right to challenge the decisions of their bought-and-paid-for elected officials who are selling off our government to the highest bidder.
Taxpayers have no standing to challenge state tax or spending decisions ... that is an amazing statement.
This is exactly why the White House worked so hard to get Roberts on the bench. A huge right of the American people was just wiped off the face of the earth.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Finally ... Ya Think?
“Deadlines are important,” the president said at a retirement community, less than a week before the last day for most seniors and the disabled to enroll in the program without facing higher prices. “Deadlines help people understand there’s finality and people need to get after it.”
This, from a president that hasn't met a deadline he didn't avoid? Sheesh. Someone pass me the pepto, please.
Administration Attempting To Shift Iraqi Money Oversight
A fight in Congress over the money flared in the final hours before the spending bill was approved, when a group of senators wrote an amendment that would have given Mr. Bowen oversight responsibility for the new money.
What happened next is a matter of dispute. The measure's sponsors say they asked Republican Sen. Thad Cochran of Mississippi, chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, to allow the measure to be brought to a vote but were turned down. Mr. Cochran denies receiving such a request and says the amendment's sponsors could have formally introduced the measure but chose not to, according to his spokeswoman, Margaret Wicker.
The bill passed the Senate without the amendment. As the House version of the spending bill makes the State Department inspector general responsible for the new money, it is likely the funds ultimately will be treated that way. "This is nothing more than a transparent attempt to shut down the only effective oversight of this massive reconstruction program which has been plagued by mismanagement and fraud," said Sen. Patrick Leahy (D., Vermont).
This administration's constant stealing of American money is so pervasive, now, that they don't even try to hide their contempt for Congress and it's role in oversight. Every day, every hour, all these people do is craft ways to take money from the public and give it to themselves, their friends and associates. It disgusts me. It should disgust the average American, yet 31% still approve of this president and his disgusting choices.
Bullshit, (cough) Hillary, Bullshit
"He's been very willing to talk. He's been affable. He's been good company," said Clinton, D-N.Y.
The above is Hillary's comment about Bush. I meant to post about this yesterday, but Blogger was acting up and I was unable to post.
Rupert Murdoch, the conservative media mogul whose New York Post tabloid savaged Hillary Clinton’s initial aspirations to become a US senator for New York, has agreed to host a political fundraiser for her re-election campaign.
She could not be more "in your face, American public" with her courtship of corporate money with this aliance between Murdoch and her. How can any truly self-respecting, liberal American, Democrat or otherwise, vote for this bitch now? The only reason she's there is to get a piece of his money pie. Money. Money. That is all these politicians give a shit about. Not the people they are supposed to be representing. Most certainly, not the party the espouse.
She's no Bill, and she can't play sax, she's not liberal, and she's hardly a true Democrat ... so tell me again, why she should get any votes? Because of her sex? Ha ha, been there, done that, and who did I get for that decision? Diane Feinstein ... a truer Republican disguised as a Democrat you will not find.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Rove Quote: "They're Not Going To Win"
Mr. Rove said he was not worried. "We won't see how that plays out because they're not going to win," he said.
I feel another election fix is underway.
Pimping Out The USDA
Friday, May 05, 2006
Friday Random Ten, Drinking Style

Lining up the shots, pouring, one by one, the following:
1. Pat Dailey - I've Got To Be Drunk To Do That
2. Tom T. Hall - I Like Beer
3. Yardbirds - Drinking Muddy Water
4. Molly Hatchet - Whiskey Man
5. Travis Tritt & Marty Stewart - The Whiskey Ain't Workin
6. Skip James - Drunken Spree
7. McGuire Sisters - Rum & Coca Cola (yippeee!!!!!)
"Oh you vex me, you vex me."
8. Duane Eddy - Tequila
9. The Champs - Tequila (how funny is that?)
10. Joe Jackson - What's The Use Of Getting Sober
Bonus Shot:
11. Fifth Dimension - Stoned Soul Picnic
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
AT&T Claims Eavesdropping Case A Matter Of State Secret
Be afraid, I tell you, be very afraid.
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - AT&T Corp. is seeking not to testify about any role it played in a government program to monitor U.S. communications until a federal judge rules on whether the information is a protected state secret.
Lawyers for the Electronic Frontier Foundation wanted to ask AT&T officials as soon as Wednesday about the company's role in a secret program President George W. Bush said he authorized without court approval after the September 11 attacks.
But in a response on Tuesday to a federal judge, AT&T lawyer Bruce Ericson sought to delay such questioning until the court considers requests from the U.S. government and AT&T to dismiss the suit.
"For their part, plaintiffs do nothing to explain why or how discovery could proceed now, before the court has ruled on the state secrets privilege," Ericson said. "Plaintiffs' plan to commence discovery before a privilege ruling would do nothing but feed their publicity machine."
"If ordered to appear for deposition or to produce documents without a ruling on the state secrets privilege, AT&T would be unable to waive the government's asserted privilege and would therefore be unable to furnish the requested information."
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a privacy rights group, is asking for a preliminary injunction against the eavesdropping program, with a hearing on that request scheduled for June 21.
The foundation says a former AT&T technician has told them about the telecommunications firm's "Secure Room" and equipment in a secret room in a San Francisco facility. The group wants to question AT&T officials on the issue as well as on which U.S. government officials asked for cooperation on the surveillance program.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
"Not to teach civics is suicide."
"Civics is no longer taught in the U.S, a sign of a neurosis that is inexplicable," he said. "Not to teach civics is suicide.
"Reason, logic, civility, dissent and debate -- five ancient words that should be taught again and better, at elementary level, so that people know the difference between news and shaped news," [Richard] Dreyfuss said.
Monday, May 01, 2006
What Do You Do With 500,000 People After The March Is Over?

It's not the best picture, but this is a block up from Wilshire, looking out my kitchen window (see, I told you guys I can see the gas station across the street). Thousands upon thousands of people are walking north from Wilshire.
I suppose most are going up toward 3rd St. in order to catch a bus back to downtown.
Today was awesome. First, the frustration that I was not able to get to work, and then the resolve to just "let it go" and enjoy the day. With all the blocked traffic, Wilshire Blvd. was like a ghost town for most of the day. But, starting around 2:00 p.m. the crowds started to gather at the corner of Wilshire and La Brea. When I was looking at the marches on television, it was unbelievable. While the first crowd was making its way to La Brea, there were thousands still backed up to Western and even as far back as Normandie.
Sitting on the sidewalk watching the first wave of marchers come into the area, brought tears to my eyes. Not since the protest marches of the '60's have I felt so moved.
Live Blogging L.A. March
May Day Immigration Marches
The 4:00 p.m. march, with the mayor (Los Angeles) giving a pep talk, ends at my back yard, so to speak. The closing down of streets in my neighborhood (La Brea and Wilshire Blvd.) was supposed to start around 4:00 p.m., but the traffic started being routed this morning, leaving me stranded at the bus stop on Wilshire! I actually ran after some of the buses being rerouted on La Brea, to no avail, and after sweating like a pig, walked home.
It will be interesting to see how many people end up here this afternoon. I'll be doing some live blogging as the afternoon progresses.
Stay tuned.