Thursday, November 26, 2009

Gobble, Gobble, Gobble! Thanksgiving Day Is Here!

First off, Happy Thanksgiving to all that are with their families and cooking and eating -- and watch football!

Here's an interesting link to Thanksgiving and football. Give it a read.
Also, for those looking for the standard history of how and when this country started to celebrate this holiday, here's the Wikipedia link.

This year, the kid and grandkid are at my ex's for the holiday, so it's a bucket of KFC for me! My daughter just downsized from a one bedroom to a single, so she's put all of her extra stuff in my dining room until she can have her garage sale next week, and as such, I don't even have the dining table up. So, just football (why is the Detroit game on so damn early?)

Anyway, here's a funny video I caught from AMERICAblog.

And I will close out this post with another video, (yeah, got it from AMERICAblog, but it's a YouTube) of Johnny Carson, which will keep you laughing for a bit!


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!

Anonymous said...

...saw the Carson-Doc thing too, this morning...too funny

Bob said...

Fun to see Johnny so playful, sharing the stage with Doc, & to recall that he never really relaxed on camera - fidgeting in chair, moving papers around, grabbing at his tie. Which is what makes Kevin Spacey's impression of Johnny so spot on.