Monday, May 01, 2006

What Do You Do With 500,000 People After The March Is Over?

It's not the best picture, but this is a block up from Wilshire, looking out my kitchen window (see, I told you guys I can see the gas station across the street). Thousands upon thousands of people are walking north from Wilshire.

I suppose most are going up toward 3rd St. in order to catch a bus back to downtown.

Today was awesome. First, the frustration that I was not able to get to work, and then the resolve to just "let it go" and enjoy the day. With all the blocked traffic, Wilshire Blvd. was like a ghost town for most of the day. But, starting around 2:00 p.m. the crowds started to gather at the corner of Wilshire and La Brea. When I was looking at the marches on television, it was unbelievable. While the first crowd was making its way to La Brea, there were thousands still backed up to Western and even as far back as Normandie.

Sitting on the sidewalk watching the first wave of marchers come into the area, brought tears to my eyes. Not since the protest marches of the '60's have I felt so moved.

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