Tuesday, December 15, 2009

No Health Reform, And Now Importation Of Prescription Drugs Fails To Pass

I consider myself lucky that my only prescription drug is for high blood pressure, and my doctor gives it to me FOR FREE.

Our government really, really, really doesn't like its people. If they did, why would they do so many things that simply hurt Americans, and even kill them, all the while, lining the pockets of just a few corporations and their CEO's (as in war profiteers, big pharma, health insurance providers, etc.)?

The Senate has narrowly rejected a plan to allow Americans to import low-cost prescription drugs from Canada and other countries.
H/T to AMERICAblog, where John Aravosis has documented extensively how prescription drugs outside of this country cost people on average one tenth of what Americans pay here at home. And to maintain that big pharma breaks the backs of Americans, Congress has already made it illegal to import said drugs, so as to guarantee that those Americans will have to choose between taking their medicine, paying their rent, or eating.

"God Bless Vespucciland" to quote the Firesign Theater.

CONQUISTADOR: Welcome to New Spain! This is your new Father - Father Corona.
FATHER CORONA: Pax venuti nictum! Down on your knees, now! D'ye recognize what I'm holdin' over yer head, lads?
INDIAN: It's a Cross. The Symbol of the Quartering of the Universe into Active and Passive Principles.
FATHER CORONA: God have mercy on their heathen souls!
CONQUISTADOR: What the Father means is - what is the Cross made of? Gold! Have you got any?
CONQUISTADOR: What about the Seven Cities of Gold? Phoenix, Tucson, Las Vegas?
SECOND INDIAN: This is gold.
CONQUISTADOR: What's that?
SPANISH SOLDIER: Corn! Now we can make tortillas!
ANOTHER SPANISH SOLDIER: We've been waiting for this for hundreds of years!
THIRD SPANISH SOLDIER: I just invented tacos!
CONQUISTADOR: So this is all you've got?
INDIAN: Yes, but aren't you The True White Brother who's supposed to come and live with us in peace?
CONQUISTADOR: Sure! Therefore, I claim this rich, verdant pasture land in the name of the Empire of Spain!
VESPUCCI: Hey! Hey, Capitano! The rain, she's a-stoppa to fall! And the corn, she's all dead!
CONQUISTADOR: Shuduppa', Vespucch! I claim this stinking desert in the name of the Empire of Spain forever! Let's go!
(The Spanish soldiers grumble. The buffalo herd mills about.)
SPANISH SOLDIERS: (singing) God bless Vespucciland! M-m-m-mmmmmm...
FATHER CORONA: Oh! By the way, Domini Domini Domini, you're all Catholics now! God bless you!
CONQUISTADOR: Come on, Father! No one in their right mind would live in this stinking desert!

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