Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Who Can Resist A Barbra Streisand Song?

Ok, if anyone reading my blog objects, then ban you, Mo Fo, for disrespect, damn it!

An absolutely superb version of this Legrand/Alan and Marilyn Bergman version, that I first became acquainted with vis-a-vis a Jack Jones album dedicated to Legrand.


Anonymous said...

Whatever Barbra sings is glorious. This is no exception.

Carrie said...

I have so many Barbra Streisand albums it's not funny!

My worst regret was when she did the concert at the Forum here in Los Angeles (really, Inglewood) and it was a benefit performance for then presidential candidate George McGovern, and I was invited by a friend to go (she had two tickets), but I was working for Sony at the time and had a press release to get out about a new product that was coming out and was due to hit the press the following day, so I had to decline. First, I never ever thought that Babs would end up not doing many live concerts and that this would be one of the ones I could have attended without paying a zillion dollars to hear her and see her. Secondly, who knew how into politics she really was until you hear the album.

If you have never heard it, do yourself a favor and buy it.

My next favorite album, of course, is Funny Girl. I saw that movie at a drive in on New Year's eve, because I had recently sprained my ankle and was unable to go with the rest of my friends to hang out on Colorado Blvd. in Pasadena for the Rose Parade (although the following year, I did get to go, and spend the night on the street in sleeping bags and wake up to watch the parade -- and let me tell you, it is a trip to stay up pretty much all night on New Year's eve in Pasadena waiting for the parade!).

Her early albums (Color Me Barbra, My Name Is Barbra - both one and two -- etc.) were really, to me, true Babs. As she experimented with song styles later on, I was less enthused with the material, but always in awe of her voice. Of coure, The Way We Were, both movie and song, blew me away (I think the only time I ever orgasmed with my first husband was after watching that movie and having sex in the guest room of my aunt's house after ... LOL, I know TMI).

Basically, I can track my life based on Barbra Striesand songs ... sigh.