Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Where Is Our Humanity?

And speaking of equities:

After watching for hours as the patients moved through the clinic, it was hard to believe that I was in America.

Eighty-three percent of the patients they see are employed, they are not accepting other government help on a large scale, not "welfare queens" as some would like to have us believe. They are tax-paying, good, upstanding citizens who are trying to make it and give their kids a better life just like you and me.

Ninety percent of the patients who came through Saturday's clinic had two or more diagnoses.Eighty-two percent had a life-threatening condition such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or hypertension. They are victims of a system built with corporate profits at its center, which long ago forgot the moral imperative that should drive us to show compassion to our fellow men and women.

Health reform is not about Democrats or Republicans or who can score political points for the next election, it's about people. It's about fairness and justice in a system that knows none. I'd defy even the most hardened capitalist-loving-conservative to do what I did on Saturday and continue to pretend that the system in place right now is working.

H/T to C&L for this piece about Countdown and its experience when visiting a free clinic.

Humanity has lost its way somewhere along the line, and I am hard pressed to figure out how we, as humans, are going to survive. It's a kill or be killed mentality out there, and I am not so sure the kill aspect of humans is not going to wipe out the rest of us.

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