Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wesley Pruden's Bigoted Op Ed Slanders Obama

This has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have read from a right wing nut job, and that includes shit from Michelle Malkin and Ann Coulter.

But Mr. Obama, unlike his predecessors, likely knows no better, and many of those around him, true children of the grungy ’60s, are contemptuous of custom. Cutting America down to size is what attracts them to “hope” for “change.” It’s no fault of the president that he has no natural instinct or blood impulse for what the America of “the 57 states” is about. He was sired by a Kenyan father, born to a mother attracted to men of the Third World and reared by grandparents in Hawaii, a paradise far from the American mainstream.

It is like what someone posted a while back when Obama went to bat for the Olympic games to be in Chicago -- he was criticised for pushing the for the games to be in this country. On the other hand, the same poster indicated that if he didn't go and push for the games to be held here, he would have been criticised. The point, of course, is that is does not matter what he does or doesn't do -- he will simply be criticised by the nut jobs because they really, really, cannot handle the fact that a black man is in the White House.

And that's what it comes down to. I haven't heard such vile speech directed at one man since the Martin Luther King days, when white people felt it was their right to put down black peopleand white men felt it was their duty to lynch black men who even dared walk the same side of the street as a white woman.

And all this recent uproar because Obama "bowed" to the emperor of Japan! Hell, I work in the Korean community and it is common courtesy to bow to the elders when they come into the office. I bow, for goodness sake! Where was all the outrage when Bush was holding hands with the Saudi Prince for goodness sake? HOLDING HANDS, TWO MEN! Where was all the homophobic outrage from the white men then? (Well, of course, we already know most of them are secretly attracted to men, as one by one, those pesky congresscritters of the "R" variety keep getting caught, with da boys, and we must not forget those Christian white men who are busted with drugs and boys!)

And to try to ratchet it up to Obama being something of a wimp and not standing up (pardon the pun) for his country, is just mind boggling how stupid people can be, and how even stupider people who believe this shit, can be.

Wake up you hoodlums out there. Yeah, I mean you, the southern white boys that still think you own the fucking world (well, and of course, the United States). As Bob Dylan once sang -- the times, they are a changing. Get with the program. Oh, and grow up. I'm tired of this country (not to mention a lot of the world) being run by disgruntled little rich children, who want to put everyone else who doesn't have that silver spoon in their mouth (or up their nose) in some kind of concentration camp and pretend that inequities do not exist in this world, and doesn't believe that it is every man and woman's duty to help out every other man and woman, to rise up and be the best human being they can be.


Unknown said...

well said ! The people criticizing the bow have no idea whatsoever about other cultures and customs. In the far east bowing is the norm and handshaking is not, especially when it involves elderly people. Its a mixture of pure ignorance, bitterness and racism that trigger these reactions among right wingers. They need to realize...theres a black man in the white house..NOW LIVE WITH IT!

PS: Love your blog!

Nick, a very pissed off kenyan.

Carrie said...

Glad to have your comments, Nikko, and your readership. I'll keep a cold one on tap for ya!