Wednesday, November 18, 2009

SnapIt 3.5 Review - IT SUCKS!!!!!

UPDATED AND BUMPED: November 18, 2009-The product won't work anymore, and all my emails to Digeus have gone unanswered. SOOOOOOO, ALL OF YOU OUT THERE -- Do Not, I Repeat, Do Not BUY THIS PRODUCT.

I have been asked to review a new screen capture program called SnapIt. First, I had to compare it with other screen capture programs. Being a blogger, one would think it would be imperative to have a screen capture program, but I have never used one.

I first installed SnapIt, and it took about 30 seconds to figure out how to use it, and by the second capture, I had it pretty much figued out, enough so I used it for a blog post, capturing the screen image of an interactive crossword puzzle widget I had recently put on the blog.

I then used the same puzzle to try other programs, which I had to download trial versions, by the way.

The first one I tried was 5 Clicks. That sucked. Considering I could use SnapIt within 30 seconds of installing it and adjusting the settings, I have yet to be able to get the 5 Clicks program to work properly after five minutes, One down.

Next I installed EasyWeb2Pic Pro. Forget that. Supposedly, the program directions are to show up on my toolbar, but not only did it not show up on the toolbar, there was nothing showing that would allow me to put the damn program parameters on the toolbar! Try as I could, after reading the "Help" offerings, I could not even use the program! Two down.

ScreenHunter 5.1 Pro was the next one I tried. It was by far the most complex, and although after aboout ten minutes I was able to figure out where the pictures were going (on my desktop), I was able to reset it to send the pictures to a new folder I created for capture purposes. This had the most extensive screen directions, options, formats, etc. It was not easy, although it did offer the ability to alter the screen image captured. Personally, I am not interested in that. I want a click and it's done program, which this is not. Three down.

After searching the web for more screen capture programs, I have to say that SnapIt was by far the quickest to use, easiest to figure out, and fastest to capture and store. No added toolbars necessary. No extensive cutting and pasting options. Although it is not free, most of the ones I tried were also not free. The one that was free had the most tools and options and degree of difficulty.

I like SnapIt, and would definitely purchase it. According to the new FTC rules, I am obligated to inform my readers that I have been offered the program in exchange for a review. However, having a screen capture program is a must for most bloggers and website owners. From the mundane (games) to the extreme (politics), it is a handy tool for both fun and news. SnapIt allowed me to capture an interactive screen that I normally could not just click and save, and put the "screen image" on my blog, in under 5 seconds.

After trying at least six other programs for the purpose of capturing screen images, I would have to recommend SnapIt unequivocally as the easiest to use, and the quickest product on the market.

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