Thursday, February 26, 2009

Finally, Some Obama Decisions I Actually Like

I know I've been all doomsday about Obama and some of his decisions since taking office, but these last two, at least, make me feel better.

Attorney General Eric Holder said at a press conference Wednesday that the Justice Department will no longer raid medical marijuana clubs that are established legally under state law. His declaration is a fulfillment of a campaign promise by President Barack Obama, and marks a major shift from the previous administration.

I got this piece off of The Huffington Post, and it is a really, really long article, but vastly informative about the emergence of the medical marijuana industry.

As for the other news:
WASHINGTON (AP) — News organizations will be allowed to photograph the homecomings of America's war dead under a new Pentagon policy, defense and congressional officials said Thursday.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has decided to allow photos of flag-draped caskets at Dover Air Force Base, Del., if the families of the fallen troops agree, the officials told The Associated Press.

Obviously, if families want privacy, that will be respected. But far too many families were dumfounded when told that no press was allowed when their loved ones were flown into Dover. These people gave their lives for this country (and not to mention in a war that was started based on a certain person's ego and on the son of a bitch's lies) and they deserved to be recognized upon their arrival back in this country, and not hidden (by the thousands) from he American public, the very public they died for.

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