Tuesday, February 24, 2009


When I see Obama at the beginning of any of his speeches, and the way he points and winks or nods his head, he reminds me of a star, be it an athlete or a television or a motion picture star. In my lifetime, I have never seen a president appear that way, and although I have seen pictures and videos of JFK, his demeanor was not that casual. Bill Clinton was casual, but he didn't have the star quality that Obama has.

I didn't go to work today, and watched CSPAN all day, and saw the mortgage plan hearings that Maxine Waters was chairing, and the grilling she and others gave to the banking representatives.

I like that jab at Coleman with the reference to the Minneapolis 54 police that would have lost their jobs, which were saved by this stimulus package.

I have never seen an address to congress and the American people like this. He inspires by his speeches, which I sometimes identify with rhetoric, and have already expressed doubts about his ability to succeed, but damn, it, his speeches make me cry every fucking time!

I have to say it's nice to see BOTH sides stand up and applaud. After 8 years of Bush and the one sided speech/applause level, it is refreshing to see a sense of bipartisanship.


Bob said...

It was a terrific speech, O man knew he had American people with him but he had to explain a few things. Very touching moment with Justice Ginsburg, she looked like a kindly, small Jewish gramma smiling at her favorite grandson. Anyway, he's sounding more Franklin Rooseveltian. & his unfailing courtesy toward the Repugs makes them look bad (& Jindal looked real bad).

Carrie said...

I honestly didn't get to see Jindal's speech. CSPAN's feed was not working the first time around, and I thought they would run it later, but I didn't realize they'd run the Obama speech again first! I did, however, read the blogs' reports on Jindal's speech, and I read that even the FOX News people were putting the speech, and Jindal, down. At some point, I'll find it online and listen to it, since it appears to have been so off the mark and bad.