Sunday, April 27, 2008


Today is my third year anniversary of my first blog post, which you can re-read here. Not only was it a featured post on MyDD, which I cross-blogged it at, MyDD nominated it for a Koufax award as best post of the year. Although I most certainly didn’t win, it was nonetheless, extremely gratifying to me.

I find it funny that three years later, my still Republican ex best friend is clueless. Here is an email he sent me on November 16, 2007, via a Yahoo email address that I give/gave out when I was using AOL as my blogosphere.


I noticed you haven't updated your liberal propaganda website. Does that mean you are no longer a leftist? Does that mean you have admitted defeat? It must be so discouraging to see who your party is touting as presidential hopefuls in 2008. As far as I can see my side will have no trouble keeping the White House in 2008, and it looks like we may even take the House and Senate back. Anyway, I hope you and your family are in good health and your life is going well. You really need to learn that politics should not consume your life so much. Afterall, I couldn't stand Bill Clinton, but that didn't prevent me from having friends that for some reason liked him. Have a great Thanksgiving.


Yeah, I actually thought people on AOL had the ability to use their brains, but I have been proven wrong (with the exception of DJ Rix!)

My first year’s worth of posts have been fun for me to read over, as I was very much fired up. However, the second year that I started blogging was about the third year for Dkos., MyDD, Firedoglake, etc., and as we all know, these blogs became huge group blogs. As a result, I was not able to compete with their ability to break stories, as most worked on ads, fund raising, and pretty much became full time activities on their own. I still read them daily, but because I hold a full time job, it is patently impossible for me to be on the web scouring for stories to beat these guys, and as a result, my political posts were more redundant than original. I still like the blogging format, have a loyal following, and have enjoyed expanding my topics to music and other areas of interest to me.

Cross-posted at MyDD.


Batocchio said...


Anonymous said...


Well I had a moment last night, and I checked your old blog site. Very interesting. Like most leftwing wack jobs you misstated a few facts. My PARTY did not turn on me, just some in the party leadership at that time. My vision for our party (meaning the NJ GOP) was more conservative then the leadership at that time. My political career was not and is not over. I did however take a less aggressive approach during that time and worked behind the scenes. My branch is now back in power. What's more alarming then your incorrect statements, is the fact that you were expecting me to be apoplectic. Typical of the liberal mindset, you guys are filled with anger. I much prefer to not be angry and go on enjoying my life, even when my opposition wins an election. I can still drive my Hummer or my Mercedes, still live in my lakefront home, still feed my dogs, still go away on vacation, still pay my taxes (something you so proudly refuse to do), basically still have a good time. The best part is, that by posting my e-mails to you, you proved I was right about the election, and my polling data was correct.

Now for your statement on your new blog, referencing my 11/07 e-mail wishing a pleasant Thanksgiving to you and your family. It was not a lack of intelligence that kept me from seeing your new site, it was my apathy for your views. I would on occasion click the link I had saved for the older site, just to see if things had changed. I will on now, on occasion visit the new site so I can see your reaction when John McCain becomes the next President of The United States. Remember, in 1996 I honored my bet and we continued a friendship, its a shame you are not as mature!


Carrie said...

I thank you for your self-serving response to my original post three years ago. It is obvious that nothing has changed, and you are still as out of touch and delusional now about America, the people, and their values, as you were then.

The 2006 elections were a wake up call. 2008 will be the flood. You and your so called "party" stand in stark contrast with the majority of Americans. Republicans are resigning in disgrace en masse, are losing in many districts that they have held as long as 70+ years (think Hassert or "Woody" Jenkins), and the Democrats are turning out to vote in the 2008 primaries in an approximate 2-1 ratio to the Republicans.

You don't get it, and I had to end the friendship because it appears you will never get it. We were able to be friends because Bush II was not in office. Unfortunately, what he, his cohorts, and the rest of the bullies and brats that make up the right wing contingent of the so-called Republican party have done to America precludes me from having friends or close relations with anyone the believes in, supports, or buys into that Republican crap. Your party has pillaged the American public's money, crapped all over the Constitution, invaded and continues to occupy a country that has had nothing whatsoever to do with this country, or with "terror," while the bulk of the American citizenry suffer the consequences. Anyone that understands would be angry, and quite a lot are, angry.

Oh, and I disagree that my blog posts relating to your emails proved you right -- not even close. You were not and are not apathetic to my views. You are obsessed. You didn't just "happen" onto this site - you've continued for years emailing me, which emails are constantly deleted -- until you decided to try to email Lilly, and now she gets your crappy emails! Since I decided to update Lilly's site on AOL, and lead you by the nose to my blog, you have spent countless hours on here, every day, until you worked up the courage to try an anonymos comment!

Feel free to play with the big boys on my blog. The hits only serve to move me up the Google list (currently 3/10 for how often my blog is listed when googled on topics).

Anonymous said...

Well Mel, you still cannot read words correctly. First I never said I "happened" upon your site, I said I had time and checked it out. Yes it is true that by looking at Lilly's old blog site I was led to your current blog site. By the way, funny how you refer to Lilly as if she was another person. Second, I said my apathy was for your views, not for you. Big difference! Yes I did send you several e-mails over the years hoping to get some sort of response. I truly cared about you, your daughter, and your grandson. In fact, I remember that after his birth you suggested I should be his Godfather. Correct me if I'm wrong, but he was born after GWB was elected to his first term as President. Third, my e-mails to you prior to the 2004 were correct, as pertaining to the outcome of the election. I told you that GWB was going to win based on the polls I was reading, and he did. Last time I checked, correctly stating hte outcome of an election would make my statements right. What's sad is the fact that I believe a true friendship should be based on the whole package, not just someone's political views, or even their personal lifestyle choices. I certainly did not agree with your marijuana use, but not my place to judge you. I didn't agree with the way you raised your daughter, but not my place to judge you. I didn't agree with your use of the internet to find men and fly around the country (Detroit, Las Vegas, etc, you know what I'm talking about)to blow them, but again not my place to judge you. I accepted you as a friend for who are. I truly enjoyed our friendship, and that is what I had difficulty letting go of. So I guess you right about my being a dumbass. I was a dumbass to believe you placed the same value on our friendship that I did. The outcome of an election would never cause me to cut anyone out of life. I actually thought you were someone special, but it turns out all you are is a dime store novelty, that in time turns ugly and vial. So by all means continue with your angry empty life. Oh, one more thing, I also agree that this election cycle should be for the Democrats to win, but I'm afraid Obama just can't do it. The simple fact of the matter is the square states will not vote for a black man for president. Hillary has the best chance of beating McCain.


Carrie said...

Living in the past, as usual. An empty and bitter man. Perhaps you were bothered I didn't blow you. Oh well. I'm done with this thread. I see you are still obsessed with me.

As I said earlier, you are welcome to comment on the blog and on the posts, but this thread is done.