Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Gas Is Now Over $4.00 A Gallon

I've posted numerous times since 2005 on the escalating gas prices, which I find obscene and completely unrelated to world scenarios, output, refineries, or any of the ridiculous excuses being made by oil companies and their cohorts. Gas is now at $4.01 for regular, per gallon, at the station across the street (it is higher is some areas of Los Angeles, but my tracking has always been based on the actual price of the gas station right in front of me)

My first post on the Myth Of The Decreasing Gas Prices pretty much gives one the state of affairs in October 2005. Back then, I noted prices were $2.47 a gallon in Los Angeles over the July 4th holiday weekend, and then rose over 60 cents by September 2005, to $3.07. By December 2005, after Hurrican Katrina, and after raking in billions in unbelievable profits, it dropped the 60 cents back to around $2.47 a gallon.

Unfortunately, that was short lived, as noted in my post Take A Bus, It's Cheaper, Or Holy Shit, Batman, Look At The Price Now, Continued where the price by April 2006 was again over $3 -- more precisely, $3.35 a gallon.

It dropped a dollar as the November 2006 elections were approaching, but as soon as November 7, 2006 passed, the rise was up again. By March 2007, it was back up to $3.21 a gallon. And it hasn't gone down since. In the two months between March 2007 and May 2007, the price increased 34 cents, to $3.55 a gallon. All the while, the oil companies were reaping record BILLION DOLLAR quarterly profits -- for no apparent reason other than they could.

By July 2007, nearly two years after I started tracking the price of gasoline here in Los Angeles, it went from $2.47 to $3.15, topping out at $3.55.

As we approach July 2008, clearly gas prices will be close to $4.47, an increas of approximately $2.00 per gallon over three years FOR ABSOLUTELY NO REASON.

And Preznut Bush wishes he had a magic wand ... I'd take that wand and stick it right up his ass, then I'd take the gas pump and pump his ass.

Sorry, but with crude oil selling at over $117 a barrel, I'm pretty pissed. Sure, I don't drive a car any more, but I still see the increase in my bus pass, the food at the stores that are shipped in by truck (that pay for gas) as well as other goods that have increased in price due to the cost of shipping said goods by truck.

And still no one squawks about it. Oil company execs are making buttloads of money, hand over foot, and the poor and middle class are paying through the nose. My body part, the butt, wants to fart all over these greedy little bastards.

1 comment:

Bob said...

Stupid ideas now to temporarily remove state gas taxes. But NY Gov Paterson noted that he had no guarantees from the oil companies that they would lower prices accordingly & not just take millions in windfall profits while the state lost millions in revenues.