Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Amerika, Home Of The Free?

And while we're at it, how about this little ditty:

On Tuesday, the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps blocked all access to commercial e-mail services, such as Yahoo!, Hotmail, America Online and Google, from overseas government computers.

And not just at office workstations.

The block includes access to e-mail services from computers at base libraries and liberty centers that are connected to an official government network.

This administration is such a mess. Civil liberties? Hell fucking no! And the first ones to lose them are those serving in the military. They don't want the military to have outside real time information, so let's just cut them off from the internet. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Looking more like Amerika every day.


Red Green said...

Hey, Carrie.... (Carlo points to the Guiness tap) Man, things really are screwed up! It's hard to believe that Bush's poll ratings are still in the 30's, isn't it? That also makes a statement on how screwed up 30 some percent of this countries population is! How do you suppose this 'leak' investigation will play out? Al Franken quoted bush senior as saying outing an agent was treasonous (said a long time ago), but Al thinks we need a constitutional amendment prohibiting execution of a sitting president. He doesn't thing a vice president should actually be executed, either. I wonder how bush would do things if all his puppet masters were suddenly gone????
I'll have another before I go, thanks........

Carrie said...

(Carrie notices empty glass and pulls Guiness tap for Carlo).

I'm with the Kos people, and hoping that Fitzmas will bring me a great present.

I've got the bottles on ice waiting to celebrate. Free champagne for all at this bar when the indictments come down.

Bob said...

Why can't I get rid of this feeling (he says as he rolls one on doctor's orders) that these slimy bastards are all gonna get away with their evil acts? That they'll all walk away richer than ever, & four years from now Clinton will be playing golf with George the Mental Midget.

Carrie said...

Can you share your "doctor's orders" rolled job with the rest of us at the bar?