Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Sorry Guys, No Bonus From This Administration. But, Thanks Anyway For Reinlisting!

The Pentagon has reneged on its offer to pay a $15,000 bonus to members of the National Guard and Army Reserve who agree to extend their enlistments by six years, according to Sen. Patty Murray (D-Seattle).

The bonuses were offered in January to Active Guard and Reserve and military technician soldiers who were serving verseas. In April, the Office of the Secretary of Defense for eserve Affairs ordered the bonuses stopped, Murray said.

Read more here.

The bonus offer was part of the Pentagon’s effort to retain Guard and Reserve members at a time of declining enlistments in the regular Army.

In a two-paragraph reply to Murray, Donna Warren, the National Guard Bureau’s congressional liaison, said the bonus program had been scrubbed by order of the Office of Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs. Warren said it had been discovered that Defense Department regulations prohibited such bonuses, but she offered no elaboration.

This is how this government treats the military. Lie to them, cheat them, steal from them, then let them die. Here, sign up and we'll give you a bonus. There, thank you for signing up. OOOOPs, we don't have that money to give you, oh well. But, thanks again for signing up!

And they call those of us who oppose this administration and their war, unpatriotic? You have got to be kidding! There is not a single act by this government that supports those troops in any fashion. No armor to protect themselves, not enough bullets, etc. The list goes on. But, of course, the good people of Haliburton, et al. are treated royally. The government can give money away to its cronies in the private sector involved in this war. But god forbid they give anything real to the soldiers that are actually fighting and putting their lives on the line for this president and his administration.

Lies, lies and more lies.

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