Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tim Profitt, No Pile Drive? Oh, My Back Hurts, LOL

So ..... what ..... is your story?

BK? Upside down mortgage? Fired and unemployed? Uninsured and afraid to go to a doctor lest you find out real problems?

There's not a whole lot I can contribute right now, in the political realm. I am still not going to vote (but if that changes, I will state such fact).

It's corporate money (the elite rich, do the research, it has been around for centuries and has always impacted life ... and the American revolution was a distancing of that way of life ...) that is dictating the path of America. Too bad, not enough real patriots are in there, fighting for what our constitution was all about.

Make sure your right to free speech is still guaranteed, despite those that think it's ok for a man to stomp a woman on the head just because she was attending a debate forum.

Politics aside, dudes, are you really for taking down a petite woman by a burly dude (who, ironically, blamed his foot stomp on the lady because he has back problems .. what, you were going to pile drive her if you didn't have a back problem???? dude????????)

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