Saturday, October 30, 2010

Obama Still On The Trail, Looking More Stumped Than Stumping

President Barack Obama implored voters on Saturday to resist a Republican tide, warning that if the GOP prevails in Tuesday's midterm elections all the progress of his first two years in office "can be rolled back."

I find that a tad disingenuous. All the progress of the first two years? I'm very tired of hearing about all the alleged things this president has done in the past two years. In all actuality, the majority of things that this president has accomplished in the first two years have benefited rich corporations and rich people at the expense of regular Americans. Seriously take a look at his record.

I doubt his last minute push (by last minute, I mean in the last month) will have much of an impact on those that are needed to sway the vote the way we did in 2008. The many broken promises have left us with a sour taste in our collective liberal mouths. But, to a certain extent, it is the way in which Obama has not only continued, but expanded, the Bush oriented foreign policies and the limitations on personal freedoms, all in the name of the "war on terror" that have concerned me the most. Obama, to me, will always just be a rhetorical president. Just as Bush is destined to go down in history as the worst president ever, Obama will most certainly be remembered as a president that failed to deliver, and likely to be the man at the helm when this country truly goes berserk.

Tidbit from the ever on point Glenn Greenwald:

Anyone who ran around hailing Barack Obama as a would-be champion of civil liberties and who has not by now retracted or at least severely qualified that claim is lacking in the Department of Intellectual Integrity, to put that about as mildly as I can consistent with accuracy.


Bob said...

I wonder now if a Hillary Clinton presidency would have been better. Same shills for Wall Street, same foreign policy, but her platform social programs were more progressive.

Carrie said...

I agree. Except at the time, silly us, we believed that because Obama was ... ooops, a minority ... oops, you know, he would have a more progressive agenda regarding social issues. How wrong we all were.