Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Palin Crosses Border For Canadian Health Care

The vocal opponent of health-care reform in the U.S. steered largely clear of the topic except to reveal a tidbit about her life growing up not far from Whitehorse.

“We used to hustle over the border for health care we received in Canada,” she said. “And I think now, isn't that ironic?”

Interesting that she freeloaded off the Canadian health care system that guarantees free health care for all citizens, except, she wasn't a Canadian citizen. Isn't that the same thing as calling for the American government not to give health care to quote illegal aliens unquote?

Pot calling the kettle black, me thinks.

Of course, never mind the fact that it is completely lost on Palin that she's attacked the Canadian health care system and made ridiculous claims that it should steer away from the "public" option type of providing health care and opt more for the "private" and not so free form of health care.

She has no clue what comes out of her mouth.

UPDATE I-3/9/10: Another obnoxious loudmouth saying stupid things. From Rush Limbaugh:

I’ll just tell you this, if this passes and it’s five years from now and all that stuff gets implemented — I am leaving the country. I’ll go to Costa Rica.

A nice review of Costa Rica's health care by AMERICAblog:

But I did a little research. It's no wonder Rush wants to live in Costa Rica. To say the least, Rush isn't the healthiest specimen around. He's overweight, has addiction issues and heart problems. Costa Rica has an excellent health care system called "Caja." Sure, it's socialized medicine. But, it works for the people of Costa Rica and visitors alike:

It's been more than 65 years since this small country of 4.6 million people introduced a public health care system. Spending $6,000 less per capita than the United States on health today, Costa Rica boasts a longer life expectancy and an infant mortality rate nearly equal to that of the U.S.

With a reputation for high quality and low prices, the country has even fashioned an industry out of health care, attracting hundreds of visitors each year who take advantage of medical tourism.

“What we don't understand is how we are able to work with this,” said Rosa Climent, medical director of the Costa Rican Social Security System, pointing to a chart that shows employers pay 9.25 percent and workers pay 5.50 percent of their salaries into the system, which covers “all our health needs. And how the U.S. pays so much more and doesn't cover its citizens.”

Not only do Costa Ricans have an 86.8 percent coverage rate, but the public health system ser ves residents who live miles from cities.

“How does a small country with a medium investment like ours achieve full cover age for all of its citizens?” asked Climent. “It's a big accomplishment.”
Those Republicans are soooooo funny! No health care reform for America, and if we do just perchance get health care changed for the better, i.e., a public option, then these nutjobs are going to get their health care from socialized countries where it is free! It just makes my head spin, and for the life of me, I do not understand how this floats the boat as far as "reality" is concerned with these people.

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