Sunday, February 07, 2010

Mardi Gras Starts Early In New Orleans!

Best Super Bowl game I have ever watched, and I am so glad New Orleans won.

I was never a Saints fan, but after Katrina, and those scenes of the Dome and the people and everything that happened, plus the fact that the owner was going to move the Saints to Texas, I became a staunch Saints fan after that. Especially when the NFL put their foot down and said "uh no, you're fixing the dome and keeping this team in New Orleans."

It was a tight game, but I wasn't so sure the Saints would be able to pull it off, until the start of the second half when they called for the onside kick and recovered. That was a gutsy call for the beginning of the third quarter. The interception in the fourth, taken for the touchdown, however, really put the game out of reach for Peyton and his team. And even if Archie (Manning) isn't celebrating for his son (each of whom have a ring, anyway), you can bet he'll be celebrating with his home town of New Orleans.

Mardi gras starts early tonight, baby! Time for a cocktail! Good thing I have NOLA webcam on!

The link may take a while to load due to the large request for the feed.


Arno said...

Good for the Saints, their fans (and those are some long-suffering fans) and the people and city of New Orleans. They can sure use it, and they sure earned it.
I thought the Who were terrible, and this comes from a longtime Who fan. One of the worst halftime shows I can recall. And most of the commercials were lame or stupid (the Letterman-Leno thing being the exception).
But a decent game nonetheless.

Carrie said...

Yeah, I agree re commercials, although one or two of them gave me a belly laugh (I'd have to re-view them On Demand to give you more specifics). And after all the hoopla over the Tebo commercial, it was a watered down version thanks to CBS' legal team (laughs). I guess the threat of "the dragon lady lawyer Alred" was enough!