Friday, January 01, 2010

Judge Dismisses Case Against Blackwater Guards Who Murdered In Cold Blood Iraqi Citizens

A federal judge dismissed charges against five Blackwater Worldwide security guards accused of killing 14 Iraqi civilians in a controversial shooting in a busy Baghdad square two years ago in a ruling that sharply criticized the tactics of Justice Department prosecutors handling the case.

It is so clear that this country condones murder. I am totally disgusted. To make matters worse, it was dismissed not because the judge felt that the Blackwater employees didn't actually kill the 14 Iraqis ... it was dismissed on procedural grounds, in that the statements made by most of the guards were used improperly (note that one of the guards plead guilty -- hence, to be honest, they were all guilty and we know it).

On Friday, the Iraqi government said it may pursue its own legal case against Blackwater because it believes the employees committed a "serious crime" against its people, government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh told Reuters.

"What happened yesterday confirms that the trial was biased," said Ali Adeeb, a lawmaker and top advisor to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki. "This was an unreasonable, criminal operation, and there should have been justice in a trial."

Let's hope the Iraqis do prosecute these murderers.

1 comment:

Arno said...

"...anything you say can, and will be, used against you in a court of law..."

Oh. Never mind.
