Sunday, January 31, 2010

Buggers, Under A Kid's Microscope

My daughter dropped off my grandson to babysit today. I was not prepared for it, but it was ok. However, he was eager to use his science kit and microscope he got for Christmas (from Santa, wink, wink). I was not prepared to do any experiments, but I was ok with using the microscope. He came prepared with a huge bugger he wanted to see (laughing).

So, he picks his nose (ewww, been there, done that), and we put it on a blank slide, then add the little dab of watter and then the slide cover, and place it under the scope. This scope is cool in that in addition to seeing 300, 600 and 900X, it has a feature that shows the slide on a screen in the front of the scope.

Off chance, with my ant problem, we killed one, and then put it on a slide, did the water thing and cover thing, and then looked at it under the scope. It was cool to see the legs, eyes, antenna, at such a close range. He really had fun. We taped and labeled the slides.

Next week, I'll have to really do an experiment with him. I'm going to have to look at which one we should do.

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