Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Memorial Services Will Be Held For The Death Of The Democratic Majority In 2010

As I have previously posted, the fact that the netroots got the votes out in 2006 and 2008, not to mention putting their money where their mouths were, appears to have been lost on the Democrats that were elected unanimously to the Senate, the House and the White House. With the numbers, and a Democrat in the White House, the progressive agenda should have been a shoe-in.

Instead, and more importantly, unbelievably, the Democrats have been impotent in governing. Nothing short of Viagra could get this group to pass meaningful legislation. The Republicans, regardless of how one feels about their concern for Americans, have stuck together in their little inner world and scorned the White House and the Democratic majority, such that said majority has actually withered and died on the vine. Good point from DailyKos:

They have concluded that Democrats cannot govern worth a damn. They may well be right.

So, congratulations, guys. It takes a tremendous amount of skill to singlehandedly imperil a Congressional majority and return bargaining power to a political party that has been spending the last five years circling the drain. Perhaps John Boehner and Mitch McConnell will send you a "thank you" card.

As many Republicans have breathlessly predicted, they will retake the Hill easily in 2010 -- not because more Americans believe in their politics, but because those of us who worked tirelessly since 2006 to get rid of corporate controlled congresscritters are too devastated by the reality that there are just as many Democratic leaders controlled by corporate interests, and thus, have watched as the status quo continues despite ramping up the numbers that was supposed to end the status quo. As a result, many of us will not even show up at the polls come this next November. And to be sure, Obama will turn out to be just another "one hit wonder" in the world of politics.

Peace, out.

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