Monday, November 30, 2009

It's Begining To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

At this time of the year, I generally log onto AOL as SantasBroad and play music, except, I finally broke the cycle and canceled AOL (seriously canceled it) after 13 years. The rest of the year, I was always DooWopBroad. Basically, I enjoyed playing music using the Wavman program, as well as fucking with the idiots that generally populate AOL (no offense to Bob, one of the few NON idiots on there).

I ended up sick the Thanksgiving weekend, spending three of the four days off, in bed, with a head cold. Thank goodness it wasn't the flu.

I actually went through the steps and showed up for work today. I tend not to work at the office on Mondays, mostly because I can work from my home, and because technology allows me to actually WORK, i.e., I can access my office computer and the entire office accessories (printers, hard drives, files, etc.) from my home, so as long as someone else is at the office to finish up what I do here at home, I am good to go. Execpt, the receptionist (who I usually communicate with through Yahoo Messenger when I work at home) is vacationing this week in Hawai'i (and will bring me flowers, damn it!) so I had to show up just to make sure my boss REALLY saw how sick I was.

Man, and it had to be a busy two hours, too, fuck that. An ex parte notice, rearranging court schedules, calling attorneys to appear, I was wiped out when I left. Thank goodness for the great football game that cheered me up later.

The best part, though, is now I get to play Christmas music (laughs). I get made fun of a lot, but hey, I have over 700 songs in the Christmas genre that I can really only play for about 30 days, so ...

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

I'm a happy camper!

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