Monday, November 02, 2009

Can someone just make these Republicans just shut the fuck up and stop lying to Americans?

I am having a hard time trying to find the Republican adults in congress. When I read things like Orrin Hatch saying that health care reform threatens the two party system (which, by the way, to me, is not a bad idea - not in having a one party system, but in not having any party at all, fuck the platforms and partisan ruling), and Jim Inhofe's decision to have his "gang" just not show up for the hearings on the clean energy bill so nothing can be passed, or Virgina Foxx's statement that health care reform is a greater threat to Americans than terrorism, I just don't get it. What is wrong with these people?

John Boehner puts out a document that quotes as stating that the health care plan will include massive cuts to medicare benefits to seniors, and when representatives at call and tell him they never said that and to take it out of his document, he refuses?

And these people actually believe that if they fuck up Americans, that Americans will vote for them in droves in the next election!?!?

I am completely at a loss to understand this new culture of "no," especially when you consider that Republicans of the 80's and 90's actually supported certain things that they now claim are going to push America into either a communist country, a socialist state, a Nazi run government, etc. Of course, the battle among the Republicans as to who can be the nuttiest is taking a toll on true conservative Republicans that actually could spark a decent debate over the future of this country, because the right wing fringe nut jobs are forcing issues that have absolutely no bearing on the needs of this country. They are, in essence, eating their own (think NY's Dede Scozzafava, the Republican who dropped out of the race because of the likes of Limbaugh, Palin, Beck, et al [hmmm, none of these people are really politicians] who want to "purge" the Republican party of its moderates, and stock it with bat shit crazy nut jobs), and they think this will actually get them more votes? Have these people not done the math? They lost by huge numbers in 2006 and 2008, and they believe that by being even nuttier and more obstructionist, that more (not less) people will identify with them?

As a point of irony, I read today that Doug Holtz-Eakin, who was a top McCain presidential adviser during his campaign, will soon lose his insurance! And because he had an operation on one of his kidneys, he falls into that category of "pre-existing conditions" that today's insurance companies are denying coverage for! But, of course, McCain opposes the current health care overhaul because he believes the current private coverage available to Americans is just dandy!

Then, of course, there's Michelle Bachmann with her rallying cry of "don't take away my healthcare," as if overhauling our current system will somehow result in taking health care away from Americans. She's such a twit, it's hardly worth the time it takes to type these words. It's an "overhaul" of the system, you know, that private one that gouges Americans, charges them up the wazoo, denies basic needs and coverages, but it is in no way taking away any one's healthcare, bitch.

Then there is the blatant irony of Republicans saying they oppose health care reform because it will add to the budget deficit, while with a straight face, they add to the budget deficit with war financing! And to add insult to injury, Americans are supposed to finance reform in the Middle East, but Republicans are opposed to Americans financing reform in America.

I don't see how you can be an American citizen and root for people in government whose sole contribution on behalf of their constituents is to refuse to play ball. At some point you have to stop, scratch your head, and say, "what the fuck?"

And the most bizarro part of all of this is the fact that the Republicans have no plans to offer the American people except to keep on saying that the past eight years were fabulous, and nothing went wrong until Obama was elected president! (Of course, there is still that buzz that everything went to hell during the Clinton years [ummm, can you say budget surplus?] while Bush put this country on the right path).

While I am in bitch mode, how about the new trend recently with the insurance companies raising their premiums before 2010, some as high as 32%?

Wages are stagnant (my salary hasn't changed in nearly 20 years), millions are unemployed, many more millions have no insurance, people are homeless and starving in this country, but our Republican lawmakers are putting on a full court press that the Bush years were the best we've had, and changing anything is just simply going to ruin America.

Can someone just make these Republicans just shut the fuck up and stop lying to Americans?


UPDATE: From the mouth of Gov. Tim Pawlenty, regarding the line drawn in the sand as to who can be a Republican:

Well, you can’t be for card check, you can’t get endorsed by ACORN, you can’t support the stimulus bill, you can’t be for bank bailouts, that would be a starting point, Chuck. But if you’re for all those things, you’re probably not a Republican.

H/T to Think Progress.


Tony said...

Virginia and New Jersey came to their senses tonight. Thank God. It's just the start, wait until 2010.

Bob said...

Repugs picked up one count em one seat in the Jersey State Assembly, & that was from a guy who retired. Our election was mostly over property taxes Corzine, a weak campaigner never much liked by the party base here, had promised to control. We ain't turning down stim money. But let's see, Dems grabbed NY-23 & easily kept CA-10. So we add one in congress.

Tony said...

Bob, with all do respect, this election has to be a wake up call to the liberals, plain and simple. VA and NJ voted soundly for the GOP, not even close. The 23rd district in NY did elect a democrat to fill an unexpired Congressional seat, BUT and a very big but, he was actually more conservative then the GOP candiate, and he only has one year until reelection in a GOP stronghold. Trust me, he will NOT support the Obama agenda. Then in Maine Prop 1 was handidly approved, stiking another blow to the left. So what do they have to hold onto, the 10th district in CA which is no surprise! The results of last nights election cannot be downplayed. Congress will now slow down its liberal agenda, because blue dog dems want to get reelected. The public option in healthcare is gone for sure, and I wouldn't be surprised if cap and tax gets a closer look now as well. Trust me, having sat in the political war rooms, I don't just think, I know they are now worried about 2010.

Bob said...

Check the results Tony. You don't know squat about Jersey. In fact, I think you're a moron. Is that clear enough? I am done with this chat.

Carrie said...

That's ok, Bob, Tony always brays like a donkey when he sees ass shit and thinks it's something more than just shit.

And, taking NY-23 WAS a big deal. The right wing nutjobs forced out the Republican's own nominee -- as I already blogged about, and put in someone to run against Dede that doesn't live in the area and knows squat about their local politics. It was not projected that the democratic candidate had even a slim chance, since all the polls (ahem) said that the Republican candidate (now that Dede had withdrawn from the race) had it locked up, with Republicans and Independents supposedly going to put their weight behing the party candidate.

That was the race I was following, and I count it a success. The only failure I see was on the gay marriage issue in Maine, but next to racism in this county, homophobes still run the place.