Sunday, September 13, 2009

At Least It's Football Season, And I Can Take My Mind Off Of How Bad This Country Sucks

The outlook is not bright for this country. On the one hand, we have a party (and people who ascribe to that party's beliefs -- whether they understand them or not) that is hell bent on saying "no" to anything the POTUS has to offer. On the other hand, we have a party, it's members and believers, and the POTUS struggling with an agenda that has been taken out of their hands and framed by lies, deceit and underhanded politics by the other side.

The mood of the country in 2008 was clear as Democrats (and progressive Independents) were elected to every branch of the government across the board. Obama stumped throughout the country with the mantra of "change we can believe in," and it was the basis upon which he was elected President. There was absolutely no interest in continuing along the path that the Bush Administration and the Republicans had forced down the American public's throat. That much was CLEAR.

I have no clue what happened between Obama being elected, and the present status of politics in Washington. It is like nothing has changed. Absolutely, nothing. The corporations are in control, as usual, and have taken over the talking points in every media that exists, be it television, radio, newspapers or the internet. The naysayers are minimal in numbers, in reality, but the corporate interest groups that do not want "change we can believe in" are mobilized and well financed enough to keep things status quo, while also making it appear that mainstream Americans, by a clear majority, don't want change!

And now, the SCOTUS may very well rule in a narrow manner on a case before it that will allow corporations unlimited abilities to contribute to campaigns. It's not enough that corporations dominate the landscape and dictate to America what they want Americans to believe, to buy, to do, etc. We've been fighting the lobby groups for a number of years now, but if the ruling goes the way of the corporations, Americans can basically kiss this country goodbye. The expansion of wealth to a minor few, at the expense of the American worker, will become so extreme, that it will not be possible for this country to move forward. It will fail, plain and simple, because of economic stress among the majority of Americans.

What disturbs me the most is the complacency of the liberals and progressives. Sure, the blogs and netroots are all over it, and it is impressive that through ActBlue the netroots raised about $400,000 in four days to distribute to the progressives in congress that are bucking the Republican minority and the President on the public option part of the health care reform bills currently pending in congress. Perhaps, despite the probability of failure, it is these progressive blogs that will work tirelessly to replace the DINO to real Democrats and real Independent and progressive congresscritters.

If after all the work done on the ground in this country to elect politicians that were supposed to change the framework of government, all we get is more of the same, there really is nothing left to do but just wait for the self-destruct button to finally be hit.

And we have no one else to blame but ourselves.

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