Saturday, March 28, 2009

Planet Wingnuttia

So, this brought a laugh out of me when I read it (H/T to Crooks and Liars:

You see, on Planet Wingnuttia, Congress cannot empower someone from the Executive Branch to carry out its edicts because it's not written into the Constitution. At least, that's what she told Hannity.

Bachmann: I will say, Sean, our Constitution is to have a strict, enumerated powers of government. Government was never intended to have this sort of an incredible intervention in the economy. We are not a centralized, planned economy -- at least we're not supposed to be. We're free-market capitalism.

Of course, on Planet Earth, the specific empowerment of the Treasury Secretary by Congress to pursue business regulations is pretty much the way things have operated for most of the nation's existence under the Constitution that Bachmann seems to want to attach to her forehead and use as an antenna for receiving alien transmissions. If she thinks it's unconstitutional, why doesn't she challenge the law passed by Congress (and which Geithner is only dutifully fulfilling, as required by the Constitution), which is in fact the remedy provided by the Constitution for anyone who believes, as she apparently does, that the law is "unconstitutional"?

I added the bold typeface. That's the part that made me laugh out loud!

Good morning, all, and have a happy day on planet Earth!

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