Monday, December 15, 2008

Appreciate This, Darth Cheney

Vice President Dick Cheney said Monday that President-elect Barack Obama will “appreciate” the expansions of executive power achieved during the Bush administration and is unlikely to cede authority back to Congress.

“Once they get here and they’re faced with the same problems we deal with every day, then they will appreciate some of the things we've put in place,” Cheney said during an interview on Rush Limbaugh’s radio show.

Delusional to the end. I clearly doubt that the president-elect, who spent 12 years teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago Law School, would continue with the conscious disregard of the constitution Bush and Cheney and their gang enjoyed during their stay at the White House.

I think, more to the point, Obama will be shocked out of his shoes once he has a full grasp of just how much the Bush Administration trashed the constitution for personal gain, not to mention how hard it will be for him to right this country, and put America back on track.


Carlo said...

I agree, I hope Obama will be shocked by past practice and make some corrections to the errant course.

Congrats on the milestones! I think some Jameson's is in order.... just on ice.

Off topic, but related to an earlier post. The following is an example of why Coulter's jaw should be permanently wired shut.... ""Coulter was also asked what she thought of the incident in Iraq on Sunday where an angry Iraqi cameraman hurled his shoes at President Bush. Her immediate reaction was to compare it to the time in 2004 when an audience member threw a pie at her during a college speech. "Liberalism and terrorism," Coulter suggested, "different stages of the same disease."

Nice batch of posts the last few days!

I gotta go, Carlo

Carrie said...

|_|-------------> shot of Jameson's over ice to Carlo, da man!

I believe Obama has the stomach to handle the Bush Administration's sickness. But, I don't believe a whole lot will change the first year, as I am sure he'll be in shock for most of it!