Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Richard Fuld Knocked Out Cold At Gym

"He went to the gym after ... Lehman was announced as going under," she told CNBC. "He was on a treadmill with a heart monitor on. Someone was in the corner, pumping iron and he walked over and he knocked him out cold.

"And frankly after having watched [Mr Fuld's testimony to the committee], I'd have done the same too."

I watched Mr. Fuld's testimony. I would have punched him as well.


Carlo said...

Well, you know what? NOBODY is worth anywhere near what these bastards suck out of our economic system. His hundreds of millions came from other people, not him. The income these rats get is unbelievable, even when THINGS ARE GOING GOOD!!!! He's lucky he's not been shot or run over or something.....
But that's just my opinion. I really need a Guinness......

Carrie said...

So, you're back to Guinness -- what should I do with this vodka gimlet I've saved for you?

And, the real question here is, drunk or sober, if you ran into Bush, or Rove, or Cheney, would you deck any of them?

Carlo said...

I'm not sure it would be worth going to prison for, but barring that, .... can I get in any trouble for saying that 'yes, I would'? If so, then I won't say it. Man, that sounds like I should go into politics! Sssssslurp..... good gimlet, by the way. Cheney is the worst. He has ambitions that surpass all. I remember photos of him and Rumsfeld hanging in the background when Nixon was president. The real power is in the background and doesn't change much over the years.... Cheney and crew are the ones to watch out for.
But that's just my take on it.
I gotta go, Carlo