Saturday, August 16, 2008

Out And About On The Pier In Santa Monica

It was a nice day to spend the afternoon at the Santa Monica Pier with my grandson, letting him go on the rides, and even pretend bungie jumping!

I forgot my hand fan, though, and even at the beach, it was still hot. Thank goodness I always carry my very small, lightweight, collapsable umbrella. It at least kept the sun from beating down on me.

Zaire was fascinated with the fishers on the pier. It didn't look like you could rent poles or anything, so one would have to own their own gear. But, he sure wanted to go fishing!


Anonymous said...

Looks like you are truly enjoying being a grandma. And no wonder, Zaire really looks like a great little boy. Now you really need to spend an afternoon fishing with him. It's a great way to spend time together. If you would still accept a gift from a republican friend (well ex-friend on your terms) I'd love to send a young fisherman starter set to him. I'd even love to take him on a boat ride and teach him to fish. Anyway, I guess that will never happen.

Bob said...

Can't help but notice that in the top photo he has the throne-like center seat & is checking out the cuties to his right. Better keep an eye on that handsome little guy.