Sunday, July 27, 2008

What Every President Should At Least, Know

What follows are 20 facts that I would like my president to know, offered to you, my perpetually disgruntled readers, in the form of a quiz. Give it a whirl. It's by definition a little idiosyncratic and not comprehensive, but I'd hope that most of us would agree that it'd be a good idea if the American president knew most of these things without having to be briefed on them. Sources are provided in the links embedded in the questions, but don't cheat. The answers are at the end.

I took the test, and didn't fare well, getting only 9 out of 20 right. Oh well. Still, it was interesting. Go visit the blog and take the test yourself.

1 comment:

Bob said...

I don't agree with all the questions in that quiz. The base price of a Chevy Malibu? I doubt if McCain can even give a ball figure for a car, I'll excuse a president for reversing the order of the Missouri Compromise & the Monroe Doctrine.