I am truly amazed that in my lifetime, I am seeing a black man as the candidate for President of the United States. I sure hope I see this man take it all, as well as have the progressives in all parties take over congress. It is time to reverse the damage that the Bush administration has inflicted on our country, and heal, heal, heal.
A true high five to Barack Obama.
Dick Morris said it best. "In a year the democrats can't lose, they have a candidate that can't win and in the year the republicans can't win they have a candidate that can't lose" I truly believe that statement is true. We'll see in November.
8 years I would've predicted the first black or female candidate would've been a Repug, maybe Colin Powell or Elizabeth Dole, both ruined by association with Bush. If McCain wins it will be because Obama is black, & then we & the world will know something about America that cannot be denied.
I don't think it's a surprise that a black man will have a tough time winning the general election for President. The "square" states in this country will not vote for a black, italian, jew, or woman for President. This was the Dems election to lose, and I think they shot themselves in the foot. As a Republican I am happy, since I want McCain to win. We'll see if I'm right in November. Hillary will be the key to the outcome of the general election. Now the real campaign starts, so let the games begin!!
Tony belongs to that 17 percent of the population that still believes Bush is a messenger of God and this country is a better place because of people like him. Hell, he wouldn't even get out of the car when he was dropping me off at a friend's place in Harlem he was so afraid of the "blacks" in the neighborhood!
Be that as it may, it will be an interesting statement about racism if democrats choose to vote for McCain instead of Obama because he is black. I, personally, don't see the margin of people that would do that as being very large but rather minimal. The democrats were outpacing the repugs by a 2 to 1 (and in some cases 3 to 1) margin in the primaries. Add to that the over 80 percent of the American population that is disgusted with Bush, his policies, his people, the Iraq war, the economy, and just about anything republican, the choice really is not black over white, but stopping the hemorrhaging vs. completely annihilating America, fiscally, emotionally and politically. I do not believe the American people buy into the right wingnut ideas anymore, and it will be a landslide vote for democrats all around, and a complete rejection of what has transpired the past eight years.
People like Tony do not represent the American way, even though they still think they do!
Gee Mel, I remember parking the car and going up to Steve's apartment. I was not afraid to be in Harlem. His apartment was right near the Apollo Theater. Just because we don't agree politically there is no reason for you to lie. This should be a very interesting election cycle. I find it interesting that Hillary still has not conceded. Do you think Obama will choose her as his VP? I'm curious what you think. I think McCain will choose Mitt Romney. If the dems ticket is Obama/Clinton there may be a chance your side will get the White House. No doubt in my mind the dems will take a much larger majority in the House and Senate this cycle. I still find Dick Morris's statement interesting. Either way its exciting to be part of an historic election.
I don't lie. It was 1:00 a.m. or so in the morning, and we kept driving around and around to find the apartment (across the steet from Marcus Garvey Park) and you refused to get out of your car. Both Steve and I had a good laugh about it. Perhaps, at some point in the daytime, you might have ventured into his apartment, but I don't have any recollection of you ever being inside. You could not wait to get out of the area fast enough!
This will be an historic election. And no, I do not believe Hillary will be the VP choice of Obama. Hillary is still part of the Washington beltway that is out of touch with the majority of Americans. The fact that she would have Rupert Murdoch host a fund raising event for her is enough proof she's not a true democrat.
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