Monday, May 05, 2008

We Don't Like You, We Just Want To Make Money Off You!

Llewellyn Werner, chairman of C3, a Los Angeles-based holding company for private equity firms, is pouring millions of dollars into developing the “Baghdad Zoo and Entertainment Experience.” In pitching his Disneyland idea to a deputy Baghdad mayor, Werner – displaying little sense for Iraqi culture – said the waterpark is “integral to the sex appeal” of the new amusement center. Speaking in deliberately slow English, Werner told the Iraqis, “One of the fastest growing sports in the world is skate…boarding.” NPR’s Eric Westervelt reported:

After explaining skate…boarding, Werner tells the assembled Iraqi business and government men, “I’m a businessman. I’m not here because I think you’re nice people. I think there’s money to be made here.”

I really do not have anything to add to this except my disgust.

H/T to Think Progress.


Anonymous said...

And what is so wrong with making money?

Carrie said...

If you're going to post on my blog, at least have the balls to use your name, Tony. Your AOL IP address is attached every time you check my blog, so it is not like I don't know it is you. How funny, though, that it took you three years to find my site (hahahahaha), but only because I decided to fix my Lilly page on AOL. Still a dumbass, I see.

Anonymous said...

Well Mel, I'm not hiding, just didn't want to take time to fill in registration. Glad you know its me! Nothing pleases me more. But like I said, what is so wrong with making money?