WASHINGTON (AP) — Senate Republicans on Tuesday blocked a proposal that would have taxed windfall profits of the largest oil companies and allowed the government to take OPEC members to court, handing Democrats fresh ammunition in an election year in which voters are struggling with surging gasoline prices.
The Democratic energy package would have imposed a 25% tax on any "unreasonable" profits of the five largest U.S. oil companies, which together made $36 billion during the first three months of the year. It also would have given the federal government more power to address oil market speculation that the bill's supporters argue has added to the crude oil price surge.
Republicans, however, have said the bill would do nothing to ease soaring gasoline prices in the United States.
The Democrats failed, 51-43, to get the 60 votes needed to overcome a Republican filibuster — a procedural tactic to delay debate on a bill — and bring the energy package up for consideration.
The defeat affords Democrats another opportunity, going into the November congressional and presidential elections, to try to cast Republicans as siding with the oil companies at a time of record gasoline prices.
Remember when a "majority" in the senate meant 51 votes? The Republicans have made such a mess of things within this country, financially, that the resounding defeat you hear in the not too distant future will probably cause most Republicans to suffer PTSD.
UPDATE IV 6/6/08: Five days later, and the price increased another 10 cents. So, now, the price is $4.57 for regular gas. The price of gas increased by 50 cents in two weeks. I am completely just blown away. What really gets me, is that the people on the top that are profiting from this gauging of the world with regard to the price of gas, are not young people, but old farts, like me. Like, what do these people think they are going to do with all this money, take it with them when they die? At my age, one can barely keep up ONE home, let alone seven or eight! What is with all this ostentatious wealth build up by such a small percentage of mankind?
If Bush thinks he has a great legacy ahead of him from an historical point of view, the unbelievable increase in the price of oil during his 8 year reign will be the bone tied around his neck for all of posterity.
UPDATE III 6/1/08: Unfuckingbelievable. In one day, the price of gas jumped 12 cents. TWELVE CENTS!!!!!!! An increase of 40 cents in 9 days, which is about 4.4 cents PER DAY IN A LITTLE OVER A WEEK. What is the matter with these people?

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