Saturday, December 29, 2007

Horde Versus Alliance

Apparently, "hordes" of Ron Paul supporters will take to World of Warcraft on New Year's day, advocating for their candidate.

"Depending on the route they take," reads a post at the blog, "this could be an extremely short march (Ironforge to train tunnel to Stormwind) or an extremely long and humorous one as dozens of Ron Paul supporters sporting newbie Gnome and Dwarf characters die in droves trying to cross the Burning Steppes."

I'm new to WoW, and after two months, I'm just a lowly level five shaman troll! And, no, I've not become addicted to the game. In fact, unless my "buddy" is online to help me out with a similar character, I'm dead meat. When I was last killed, it took both of us at least half an hour to find my body! And, for sure, the Ron Pauls will most likely not be organized enough to actually all belong to one group!

My five year old grandson wants to try the game, but I keep telling him: "I'm only a level five troll!" He replies: "Grandma, I can level up fast!"

H/T to The Raw Story.

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