Friday, May 06, 2005

CAFTA: White House Caught Peddling Corporate Invitations

The White House Corporation is at it again, using "taxpayer resources to urge people to attend events being put on by Fedex, Citigroup, and Western Union to promote" CAFTA. For more, read Sirotablog:

A source just emailed me a message being sent out officially from the White House urging people to attend corporate sponsored events that trumpet the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA). Specifically, the White House is using taxpayer resources to urge people to attend events being put on by Fedex, Citigroup, and Western Union to promote this corporate-written free trade deal (you can see the official invitation being blasted out by the White House here in Word format - notice the corporate logos). Most brazenly, the White House asks that invitees RSVP directly to the White House - as if there is now no distinction between these corporations (many of whom are big donors to the GOP) and the White House.

It's one thing for the White House to lobby for an awful trade deal like this. But it is a whole new low to have taxpayer dollars being used to directly promote corporate-sponsored events, essentially eliminating the line between business and government.

Well, ain't that just peachy! I wish we "citizens" of this United States could ask for a refund of the tax dollars being spent on Dumbya's personal pet projects. When are the "citizens" going to wake up and realize that Dumbya is NOT their president? His allegiance is to the corporate "god" that rules his party.

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