A look back at the President’s 60-day public relations tour (courtesy of Think Progress):
31: Number of Administration officials who participated.
166: Total number of events held.
2: Number of events headlined by Vice President Cheney that the administration has not released transcripts of after press reports indicate he was asked tough questions.
7.94 Million: Total circulation of newspapers that placed opinion columns by Administration officials during the tour.
More than 500: Number of radio interviews given by Administration officials over the 60 Stops in 60 Days tour.
42: Number of blacklisted from a townhall event in Fargo, ND because they were suspected of disagreeing with President Bush’s proposals.
3: Number of people thrown out of a Denver townhall event for arriving in a car with an anti-war bumper sticker.
306: Number of times President Bush described Social Security as a “problem.”
Over $3 million: Estimated cost to taxpayers of Presidential travel to Social Security tour events.
$418,000: Minimum security costs for President at Social Security tour events.
11: Number of times President Bush congratulated himself for talking about Social Security.
38: Percent of Americans who approved of the way George W. Bush was handling the Social Security issue before the tour started. (1/16/05)
31: Percent of Americans who approve of the way George W. Bush is handling the Social Security issue now. (4/26/05)
40: Percent of Americans who thought private accounts were a good idea when the tour began. (2/6/05)
33: Percent of Americans who think private accounts are a good idea now. (4/2/05)
66: Percent cut in defined benefits under the Bush plan for someone earning $36,000 a year.
89: Percent cut in defined benefits under the Bush plan for someone earning $59,000 a year.
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