Sunday, June 05, 2011

"A Flea In Her Ear" Starring Aria Bruss

A Flea in Her Ear

Written by Georges Feydeau - Translated by Barnett Shaw

Directed by Doug Kaback

Produced by Samara Friedman and Selga Sanders

Feydeau’s iconic comedy comes to life at the Edgemar Center for the Arts for two weeks only. Monsieur Chandel is unable to “rise to the occasion” and his wife Yvonne is certain he is cheating on her. So begins the manic madness of mistaken identities, drunken brawling, rotating beds and the most notorious hotel in France (with a name you won’t forget). Don’t miss what has often been referred to as the “definitive French Sex Farce”, A Flea in her Ear.

The show is being directed by Doug Kaback with Samara Friedman and Selga Sanders serving as Producers. The Stage Manager is Jennifer Schwartz. The “Flea-bitten” players include: Bryan Bertone, Aria Bruss, Paul Buxton, Josh Fishbein, Samara Friedman, Mark Gadbois, Damon Lira, Chris Lohr, Chi Chi Navarro, Scott Roberts, Selga Sanders, Paul Stroili, Theresa Tilly, Clare Trautvetter and Marie Wilson.

I will be attending closing night, June 12, watching my cousin's oldest perform.

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