Tuesday, December 21, 2010

My First Visit With Zaire Since Before Thanksgiving!

Zaire took this picture of the two of us from his notebook computer that I brought along for our visit.

I finally got my first "two hour" visit alone with my grandson. We were at a Denny's restaurant, which is quite familiar to us anyway. Zaire had his usual pizza and goldfishes, and I had my usual meatloaf, potatoes, gravy and salad. But, for the first time, we shared a hot fudge sundae, and I had a small cup of coffee as well.

I'll share some pictures, but what was interesting, and I won't share, are the pictures of the skin condition that is at the heart of why DCFS has gotten involved. I took a picture of Zaire's face the moment we sat down. Then, as he ate his dinner, he began to scratch his face. The the big welt showed up, about an inch in diameter, and three inches long, from his nose to his chin. I took a picture of that. Then, toward the end of the two hour visit, the welt started to subside (it was not as red or as apparent, but still visible) and I took a picture of that. Tomorrow he goes to his pediatrician, and I printed out the pictures for her to comment on. Zaire took some funny pictures of my with my cell phone, but I'm not putting them up either, because I look like a mess! I woke up so fucking early this morning and was dragging my butt all day. Most of the pictures, my eyes were half shut, I was so ready to fall asleep.

Here is a video of my daughter and Zaire at the end of my visit, attempting to sing a song!

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