Friday, September 24, 2010

Lovin, Touchin, Squeezin ...

I am sure I have a dozen Journey videos up on my blog. Was just watching some ice skating YouTubes to Journey songs, and decided to just listen and post Journey, LOL.

Pretty much one of my fave Journey songs.


Tony said...

Ah, Journey. Memories of my high school prom in 1982. Daryn Kirshner, daughter of Don Kirshner, i.e., Don Kirshner's Rock Concert, was in my class. Journey performed at our prom. One of the many benefits of attending Newark Academy.

Arno said...

Big smile here! That song was my get-up-and-go morning fight song for work, for years. It's still an earworm, and you've done nothing to change that, Bartender!
Our band used to do the nah-nah's as a warmup. Good tune!

Carrie said...

(sending over a Guinness with a shot of Maker's Mark) ------------\_/ and [_]o ... ;)