Saturday, June 26, 2010

Shopping In Hollywood

I don't normally have a short fuse in combustible situations, like being in an abnormal line during Christmas time shopping, etc.

For some reason, the local Ralphs was fully packed, and although I could have jumped the rather large line for the 15 or less aisle, I had 18 items, and you know me, I tend to be a stickler for fucking RULES!

So after waiting like 30 minutes for my articles to start to be checked, my feet were killing me and I was not enjoying how the new bag I purchased (with wheels - to make it easier to tote my groceries home) was waffling. Then, of course, after I paid for my weekly bus pass, I have to go to the center counter to HOPE that someone shows up in the next half hour to load my bus pass card.

I noticed one of the managers was actually in the area. Since I've lived here close to 17 years, I know everyone that works at my local Ralphs. (OK so I'm channeling DJ Rix, sue me). I grabbed my wallet, but left my purse in the shopping cart, and moved up the aisle to make sure the manager saw me so I could get the bus pass filled. However, I was forced to endure the lunatic ravings of a stark raving "queen" blabbering about how his hand full of rain checks couldn't be honored by Ralphs. What was pathetic was that the manager kept telling the person what he COULD do, but queenie couldn't get that part through her thick skull. He kept repeating lame crap about how this one and that one told him this and that. The manager kept saying "this is what I CAN do for you" and it was just completely lost on this guy. Then the manager tells the guy, look, let's go to the aisle, you tell me what you want, I'll order it, and it will be here in less than a week, and I will call you. The guy finally shuts up and decides to take the manager up on his offer. So, before the manager takes off, he sees me, of course he's known I was there for about 15 minutes listening to this garbage. So he tells the guy, do you mind if I just fill her Tap card and then I'll meet you in the aisle and we can go over your order. So the guy actually says to ME, what is wrong with this area, you are the second person to have an attitude .... Whoa .. so I tell him, hey, if you don't like the area, just leave. Then he says something under his breath as he pushes me aside (never mind that he had to push me, my bag with the wheels AND my shopping cart with my purse aside), and I say "bite me, bitch." He replies "suck on me" to which I yell out in reply "you ain't got anything I would want to suck on."

Just a typical day doing my grocery shopping.

The new bag was cool though. Folds up to fit in my purse, but opens up to hold about two eco friendly cloth bags, but with wheels!


Bob said...

I don't encounter many queens here. But I'm so glad someone drives me to supermarket now - solves the logistics problems.

Carrie said...

Trader Joe, Whole Earth and three Ralphs markets are a walk or a bus ride from me. The new bag with the wheels is fun. I have a granny cart but it is cumbersome, and I don't do THAT much grocery shopping anymore. I like this new bag that folds up, has wheels, and fits into my purse!

I washed all my eco friendly bags today, after I read how much they retain bacteria, including e-coli. Ewwww.