UPDATE: Looks like they are calling this one for Sestak. Check back later if I have to make any corrections.
Take that DSCC and ORGANIZING FOR AMERICA! Look what your money bought ya ... NADA! High Five to all the netroots that supported Sestak and donated.
It will be interesting to see who wins -- Obama or Progressives. So far, Sestak and Specter are apparently tied in this race.
I'm rooting for the likes of the progressive backed candidate supported by the netroots (MoveOn and Democracy for America for example). It would be sweet to put the dead fish at the foot of the Obama Administration and show them how much they need to respect those that put them there in the first place.
I also hope Sestak wins the primary since that will almost ensure a GOP win in November. If Specter wins the November race might be close.
Always so sure, and generally so wrong. Also, CNN calls it for Democrat Mark Critz over Republican Tim Burns to fill the late Pennsylvania Rep. John Murtha's U.S. House seat. As stated over at AMERICAblog:
Republicans had considered this a prime pick up opportunity. But, the GOPers lost.
Yep, this was the race that was going to show how John Boehner was on his way to becoming Speaker. Oops.
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