Most of us that voted for Obama did so because we were hoping that the change promised would manifest itself during his presidency. As soon as Obama let Rahm Emanuel into his circle as his Chief of Staff, a huge gasp was heard around America from the liberal camp. Most of us remember how Emanuel as head of Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee butted heads with Howard Dean as head of the Democratic National Committee, and who won that battle (Dean did, with his 50 state strategy and placing good money on good candidates in all 50 states, which is how we ended up with the damn congressional majority in the first place). In fact, had we gone the route of Emanuel and his committee choices, the democrats would still be the minority.
Well, they're at it again in Pennsylvania. The DNC is pouring good money in there to support Specter (you know, the guy that was a Republican for most of his political career but suddenly switched sides recently -- and still can't be counted on for a permanent vote anyway) against Sestak. Even the arm of Obama's political campaign unit that morphed from the netroots support into the Organizing for America is in on it.
Sigh ... you know this president is a failure when he can't even tell the good guys from the bad guys. Well, we know how well Obama's support helped out in Massachusetts with the vote to replace Ted Kennedy's seat.
My only hope is that the Pennsylvania democrats will recognize and support a true blue candidate against one that is more purple ...
Exactly why I do not call myself a Democrat.
The immediate appointment of Emmanuel and Sanders made it clear to anyone. Clinton II.
Where the hell is Dr. Dean nowadays? We sure could use him.
umm...Sanders? Wrong Larry. Summers. *sheepish grin*
LOL, you're entitled to "misspeak" from time to time. I knew who you meant. Sometimes I make grammatical errors in my posts that I just say "fuck it" and don't go back and correct (although I did edit a word or two in this one today!)
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