Berman told the crowd, “I believe that Barack Obama is God’s punishment on us today, but in 2012, we are going to make Obama a one-term president."
I find it funny how the Christian religious right consistently say God is punishing "us," from theories about 9/11, to the Icelandic volcano eruption.
There is such a disconnect with American Christians these days. It's as if regressive ideology has overtaken them, and we are back in the 17th century, completely unaware of the world as a whole.
Granted, Christianity is the largest religion, but it is on a decline, while Islam (Muslims) are on an incline, which is antinomical to the belief system of Christianity, i.e., that it is supposed to be "the only true religion," and that all of mankind is supposed to be Christian, because no other religion is the "true" religion. The irony of fact that Islam is rising and Christianity is declining is, of course, lost on most Christians, which probably is part and parcel to the rise of violent tendencies of late attributed to Christians. Of course, Christians have been violently forcing their beliefs on people for centuries (lest we forget the Crusades and what happened to most of Europe during the Roman Empire).
It's too bad that people cannot adjust and take responsibility for the reality they live in. Terrible floods, hurricanes, volcanic disruptions and the like are what occurs when man fucks up the planet and changes the natural order of things. God doesn't play a part in any of it. People die of illness and starvation around the world because other people don't give a shit to see that their brothers and sisters are taken care of -- greed plays no small roll in these types of death. Wars occur because mankind has always been violent, choosing death over peace more often than not, and we'll probably annihilate ourselves in the process of forcing others to believe what they don't want to believe.
Evil exists in all of us, and this absolutism that it is only in "liberals" as espoused by the White Christian Americans is beginning to wear thin on me. I find corrupt Wall Street employees more evil than I find terrorists, for at least terrorists have a belief system, while Wall Street just wants to fuck everyone for a buck. I believe private insurance organizations to be inherently evil because capitalistic greed takes priority over actually helping someone over an illness or making someone whole and healthy. I find the governments of the world becoming increasingly evil as they sidestep the issue of world humanity and its needs in favor of pillaging their base economy for personal profit and gain. But to blame our woes on God's displeasure ... that's a bit juvenile for me, even more, infantile.
Trust me, if God really is pissed off, this world would just simply cease to exist, as I am sure God is not happy one bit with the drama that passes for "life" on this planet today, and since God apparently created this world, it's a safe bet that God can take us out in a heartbeat.
-------> bowing <-----------
Thank you!
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