BACHMANN: We’re, we’re, we’re hoping that President Obama’s policies don’t succeed, exactly as you said. And of course, David Axelrod unfortunately seems to be wanting to smear people who disagree with the president. We’ve seen that over and over at Tea Party events, at gatherings where people say, “look, I don’t like this idea of out of control spending and accumulating deficits that our kids have no possibility of paying back.” And to think that those of us, we who disagree with that very ill-thought out idea are being smeared, I think that’s really wrong.H/T to Think Progress.
You know, I am just so fucking tired of hearing and reading this crap. "Out of control spending and accumulating deficits" are what the REPUBLICAN PARTY did to this country for eight years -- and Obama is still making this country pay for two wars, while they (both Repugs and Democrats) still talk about initiating a third war with Iran.
Not one fucking word out of these guys and gals' mouths about the money going down the crapper for these wars. Nada. This country is not mad because of "out of control spending and accumulating deficits" caused by the Obama Administration. Yes, they are being told that it is Obama's new policies that are fucking them over, but that's because those that attend the teabagger events are morons who don't know their ass from a hole in the wall, and believe whatever FOX tells them. I don't have any excuses for those in Congress that just outright lie to the American public. I have no idea why they say what they say, and why the media just lets them lie and lie and lie.
If anyone in Congress is FUCKING SERIOUS ABOUT STOPPING THE OUT OF CONTROL SPENDING AND ACCUMULATING DEFICITS, just stop the damn wars! Why in God's name are we putting our country's money into two countries? Why are we bankrupting our country and forcing our citizens out of work and into homelessness? Why are we even arguing about having HEALTH FUCKING CARE for every American citizen? WHY?????????
It's not a Democratic thing. It's not a Republican thing. As an American, we should be wanting, no demanding, our government stop these wars and give us back our money to be used for Americans' needs. God knows there are many needs here, and the billions and billions of dollars lining the corporate schmucks' pockets that benefit from war spending is disgusting.
Ms. Bachmann, if you want this to stop, just vote no next time on the war spending bills. That is where the "out of control spending and deficit accumulation" is coming from, and get your foot out of your mouth and learn something about the fucking government that's called your "job," bitch. Do something constructive instead of lying like a snake on a daily basis and supporting the ever-so-popular non-grassroots teabaggers. Spouting off at the mouth that you want Obama policies to fail is just so third grade.
And while I am on my rant, this is a MUST READ, all of it:
You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.
You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate energy policy.
You didn't get mad when a covert CIA operative got outed.
You didn't get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.
You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.
You finally got mad when.. when... wait for it... when the government decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick. Yes, illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer, are all OK with you but helping other Americans... well fuck that.
Hear, here! How these people squeal about things like the rather modest health care reform law and turn a blind eye toward the trillion-dollar-plus, needless, illegal, Stupidest-Of-All-Stupid-Wars is completely beyond me.They are so damned ignorant that cognitive dissonance cannot even kick in.
Welcome back! (though you never really left)
I like that line about "cognitive dissonance" not being able to kick in!
The "crazies" are all over the place with their rhetoric. And, it changes from day to day, have you noticed? They are for one thing one day, and two weeks later, they are not for it, and are for something else. It's like the term "flip flop" falls off them faster that anything "slick Willy" every said (ha ha). Still, with their whackiness, they are disrupting the only party that gives them a forum, and that can only bode well for progressive and liberal candidates. I've been sending a few dollars here and there through ActBlue to help oust blue dogs in primaries. November will be an interesting month.
I hope you enjoyed the blog trip to Seattle! It's so cold up there, all one does do is DRINK!
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