Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's My Wierd Ass Saturday Night!

Not sure what my mood is tonight! I'm off tomorrow to see a preview of Michael Moore's new movie, "Capitalism: A Love Story."

My friend bailed on me, so I am going alone.

I am looking forward to the Runaways movie. (grins ... ah memories).

Crooks and Liars Saturday Night Music:

Never really heard that version. Ah, White Soul, as they say.

Ok, since I'm all over the place musically tonight... here's some Anti Flag! "Fuck the Flag"

Been a fan of Anti Flag for about four years, year, I know, a bit behind, so beat the shit out of me.

Ok, here's some early Janet!

Ok, time to get dirty and sexy! LOL

Anyone what saw this movie .. what can I say. Best PG sex scene ever.

Told ya, I'm all over the place tonight!

PS, yeah, I stripped back in the day, LOL. Circa 1976, if I recall, off of a Marine Corps. base in Oceanside, a place called the Man Trap, hee hee.

Let's Go Girls!

Man shirt, short skirt ... been there, done that!

Thigh high boots. I remember wearing them, platform style, back in the 1970's. David Bowie era.

Ok, so not "an" original, but a later verison, what can I say. You Tube police and record companies keep the real shit off the net.

"You tacky thing, you put them on!"

Time to get back to my roots. Jackie Wilson, my hero in the 1960's R&B music.

Note the "go go dancers" LOL.

Are we tired yet?

Gonna freak ya all out with Scooter!

Ok, probably time to call it a night.


Gonna close it out with Billy Vera's closer, At This Moment!

Bartender, last call.


Arno said...

Best music in town! Thanks!

Carrie said...

I watched all the videos again on Sunday afternoon. An eclectic mix, to be sure.

Part of the reason I amassed such a huge collection of MP3's over time was I wanted to do my own internet radio program. Unfortunately, the "guvment" decided to go with the standard media and charge internet radio broadcasters more than they were charging traditional radio stations (nada) at the time, to play songs over the airwaves. Since the Net wasn't free, but the traditional radio airwaves were "free," the cost (I can't remember now, but I think it was like 1/2 a cent per song, or a percentage of any gross revenue you made, whichever was greater) which at the time put it out of my price range.

Granted, what I put on my blog these days are YouTube renditions of songs by artists that I already have and listen to, but if you go back to my first two years of blogging, I used to participate in what was called Friday Random Ten, where one would load up their player of choice, and play the first ten songs, and then blog what the songs were, and sometimes comment on them. In the early days of blogging, there was really no way to actually "play" your song choice, but today, there is.

I've thought about using some of the tools to play Friday Random Ten again, but it would mean uploading each song first, which takes a while. I've also tried to match my "random ten" to a YouTube, but surprisingly, a great many of my songs are off limits on YouTube. Hell, Sony recently pulled all Beyonce songs off YouTube in an attempt to extort more money from Google.

Oh well. Remember back in the day, when we used to utter the phrase "music is free?"

Arno said...

I remember the Friday Random Ten thing, but at that time, I was using dinosaur of a computer and a crappy ISP, so couldn't avail. You still have the best tunes.

Lke Gillian Welch said,
"Everything is free now, that's what I say.
No one's got to listen to the words in my head.
Someone hit the big score, and I figured it out,
That I'm gonna do it anyway, even if it doesn't pay."

Carrie said...

What's fun for me is that I have a wireless headset, so no matter what time of night (I don't use them during the day) I can play my music as loud as I want, and not a soul in my apartment building can hear it! It's great for listening to the YouTube videos that I post, because they tend to be late at night, anyway, and I can enjoy the performances without bothering anyone else.

Of course, sometimes I do tend to sing with the music, and that makes for some funny visuals (I sing fine, used to be in a band), sort of like in Pretty Woman when Julia Roberts was in the tub listening to Prince and singing along!

Arno said...

lol...those around me know well of my sudden outbursts of singing for no apparent reason. Sometimes with headset, sometimes just from "the words in my head"...
Music is a gift. Love of music is, too.