Thursday, February 18, 2010

Seattle, Here I Come

I finally booked my trip to Seattle from Los Angeles, an approximate 34 hour ride.

The amenities are serious, though (laughs). I'll be blogging my six days (two of them in Seattle, the rest on the train).

I'm seriously afraid of the TSA's and the airlines, in general.

And, fuck, I can bring my own booze on the train .. ^5!!!!

UPDATE: See, this is part of the reason I won't fly. My anger scale would just go up the roof, like this guy's did, and I'd be thrown off the plane. More likely, I'd never get on the flight because I'd get into some fight with the TSA over check in or something.

According to a video confessional from LMFAO's Sky Blu, it all started when he leaned his seat back while the plane was still on the tarmac ... and (Mitt) Romney, who was sitting behind him, started yelling at him to put his seat back up.

Sky Blu claims Romney then reached forward and grabbed his shoulder ... so he slapped the Presidential wannabeen's hand away. Shortly after, authorities boarded the plane and escorted Sky Blu off the flight... and the other member of LMFAO got it all on tape.


Tony said...

The train will be fun. I would still fly. I would go crazy on the train that long. I couldn't even stay "confined" on a cruise for 7 days. I got off the ship in St. Thomas and flew back to San Juan and stayed at a resort. My brother and sister-in-law will be taking the train from FL to CA for my niece's wedding in July. I, of course, will be flying. I'm sure you will have a blast on this trip. First the new experience of the 34 hour train trip, second the experience of a new city, Seattle (which I believe you will love), of course Eddie's wedding, and time spent with those truly important to you. Sounds like a win-win to me.

Carrie said...

Yeah, I agree that it will be a blast. It's funny that some people keep questioning why I would want to take a train when I could just fly, but as I've pointed out on this blog, flying in today's world is not like it was 10 years ago. I like the fact that I'll have the freedom to take what I want onto the train (with the general exceptions like explosives or guns ha ha), and even though it's a day and a half ride, I get to walk around, meet new people, and I'll have a room all to myself for privacy. When you book your meals in the dining car, you can also sit with others that have their tables open (you can have a table to yourself, or specify that it is alright for the waiter to seat others at your table). Since I am on my own for this trip, it will be fun to eat my meals with new people. Plus, the damn train has a theater! They show movies! Hope it's not "Planes, Trains and Automobiles!"

Tony said...

I still fly quite frequently. I do not find it too inconvenient, as long as I pack properly. I'm also fortunate in that I use the "Elite" express lane. Why are you going solo, I thought you were travelling with Linda. BTW, did you close on the apt in Harlem?

Carrie said...

I posted a comment on an earlier post about why I was going solo. Linda and BF decided to drive up to Seattle with other family members (Eddies' dad, stepmom, stepsisters, etc.) and do a "road trip." I would think that would be more expensive based on gasoline, food, and housing, plus I know Linda and I have already done the coast thing to San Francisco -- see Big Sur once is enough, and I've been there probably half a dozen times.

On another note, for the heck of it, I checked the train route to NYC, and I was surprised. Yeah, it costs a hell of a lot of money, but, on the other hand, it makes a layover stop on the way to NYC at New Orleans, in the afternoon, and leaving in the morning, and on the way back, it stops in D.C. and Chicago, for a layover.

I was planning on on having a huge party for my 60th by renting this theater here in L.A. and having a disco oriented event, and have been saving since the budget is well over $15,000. However, I can, for less money, take about 7 people on a train ride to NYC. Something to think about.

As for the condo, I'm waiting for Steve to send me the paperwork to go over the legal terms and stuff. He's not signing anything until we ok it. After it's a done deal, we're going to put a trust together in our grandkids' names, and transfer title to them. Since the property is income bearing, and Steve is back living on Park Avenue and all rooms are rented out, it does give me pause for retiring to NYC some day.