Saturday, February 06, 2010

Hire A Relative, Don't Underestimate Their Talents (Grins)

Eschewing a car for mass transit has its positives and negatives. In my reality, the only negative is when I have to purchase something I can't take home on the bus.

I haven't been able to use my vacuum cleaner for like three weeks (ewww), so my house has been pretty sucky for a while. My daughter agreed to go get me a new vacuum today, (I paid for it, she just went "shopping") and she even used it to clean my house when she got here. After she saw how scummy my bathroom was, I asked her how much she wanted to clean it. $20 bucks was a steal, in my mind LOL.

Now, I'm having my daughter come in every two weeks to clean my house, and concentrate on one room for a full on cleaning. I'm sure I will pay her more than $20 bucks, but one of the perks while living with her was the fact that she was a fastidious cleaner. I am a cleaner ... clean enough not to attract bugs and whatnot, but to the observant eye, hey, so my wall borders are full of dust, as are corners of each room, up on the ceilings. Hey, at least I do dishes, take out the garbage, and used to vacuum regularly!

The vacuum I wanted was not available, so I settled on a cheap ass Dirt Devil. Who cares, I'll just replace it next year. It's still a far cry from spending $400 for a Dyson, damn it!

Ahhhhh... having a finally really cleaned up bathroom is bringing huge ass smiles from me (and from my ass, haha... ok, TMI, I agree!)

1 comment:

Bob said...

I had a girlfriend for a few years who had worked part time as a house cleaner in college, & she could straighten the clutter my old studio apt in half an hour just going one end to the other & asking "Where should I put this?" & waiting for a decision. I couldn't believe how much open space she uncovered.