Monday, January 04, 2010

Will We Continue As Americans To Get Fooled By Republicans?

I can't say it better than John Amato has, so I'll just re-post some of it here:

Now that we've begun a new decade, the right wing will begin their new con game, and their "mark' will be the American people. What's a mark?

A confidence trick or confidence game (also known as a bunko, con, flim flam, gaffle, grift, hustle, scam, scheme, swindle or bamboozle) is an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence. The victim is known as the mark, the trickster is called a confidence man, con man, or con artist, and any accomplices are known as shills.

Typically con men feed on dishonest people, but in politics they focus on the unsuspecting. What we've learned from the previous decade is that conservatism is a total failure when it comes to governance. Under Bush and Cheney we've had a massive terrorist attack, two wars, torture and a global financial meltdown. We've had Hurricane Katrina expose how conservatives respond to Americans after a natural disaster hits two states. We've had government corruption at the highest order, which resulted in Cheney's chief of staff being convicted of multiple felonies. We had the horrendous Terry Schiavo affair. We had a news network actively become a propaganda arm of the GOP. We had Wall Street inflate a mortgage bubble that almost turned into another Great Depression.

I can go on and on, but because of a timid media, they will be allowed to perpetrate their newest con. "Only conservatism can save America," will be their motto. If the media actually acted like an independent monitor of the news, we might stand a chance against the new scam, but we know better. Drudge rules their world.

The GOP is brilliant at one thing, and that is tearing people down. Because they left this country in such tatters it's an easy scam to pull off, because hard-working Americans are vulnerable pickings. They have to try and survive in a world destroyed by conservative values. The con is easy. Just blame everything on President Barack Obama. All your job woes, all your fears about how your life will recover and the future that it holds for your children. If we had a real media that would expose the Bush regime for the manifest failure it was, it would be a much harder task, but we don't, and instead news programming has turned more into endless right/left opinion discussions.

"Don't Get Fooled Again" should be our national slogan, because even if we disagree as liberals in the way our president has handled the situation he was elected into, we are engaged enough to know what conservatism has done to this country.


Tony said...

Thanks for sharing how paranoid the dysfunctional left is. I enjoyed the laugh.

Carrie said...

Just make sure you don't laugh too hard, you might have another heart attack. Then, where would YOUR tea party be? LOL, with capital letters! And for the sake of fun, how about we put a bet on it ... tee hee (no, not the heart attack, silly, whether the Republicans self destruct before the liberals desert the Democrats).

Tony said...

I will place a fun bet on that. I do believe the liberals will self destruct before the conservatives. It appears teh conservative movement has even brought some sense to NJ politics. We successfully defeated gay marriage in the lame duck session with the Dems still in control. I have to love the "quality" of the new Demcratic Senate President, Sen Sweeney (D) Camden County. He voted "no" but said he would have voted "yes" if more members were voting "yes" for gay marriage, but since his vote would not have helped he voted "no" with the majority since the people actually do not support it. Now there is a leader on the left. I mean if he believes it should have passed he should have voted yes regardless of the vote. But now he can claim to have supported it even though he didn't support it. I do believe the Dems will lose control of the Senate in 2010, or a the very least, lose the 60 vote super majority, and the GOP will make great in roads in the House. Geeze, one of the dems already switched to GOP. And Dodd knew he was out, so instead of facing defeat like a man he dropped out of the race.

Carrie said...

OK. I'll have to think about what kind of bet. I'll get back to you later. But, as a teabagger, you should already know your "party" is more fractured than the Democrats, regardless of whether the numbers shift in 2010. (huge grin!)

Tony said...

I agree that many on the republican side moved too far to the left, they became nothing more then a democrat light. That is why we lost the last election cycle. The republicans will unite under the Conservative movement and teh party will shift to the right, where the Tea Party (please be mature and call it by its name) is directing it. If the Democrats continue down the progressive path, they will be the party that dies. Remember America is a center RIGHT country. Whenever the Dems push too far to the left they lose in huge numbers.

Carrie said...

I swear I have no idea what drugs you are taking! This country is not center right. This country elected progressives and democrats by a huge majority in 2006 and 2008 and no matter how many times your right wing nutjob television personalities tell you the contrary, the takeover did not happen because the country is too conservative! My reasoning, and others too, concerning Repubican takeovers in 2010 are because AMERICANS ARE PISSED OFF THAT OBAMA AND THE DEMOCRATIC LEADERS THEY ELECTED ARE LETTING THE PARTY OF "NO" DICTATE! The feeling of Americans are if we can't even get what we want in progressive and popular change in the country after defeating the Republicans gamey 60 necessary votes in the Senate (come on, everyone knows it's only 51 votes that are needed, but the damn "I am going to filibuster" routine made Americans believe they really had to get 60 votes in the Senate to pass any legislation), AND THEY DID GET THEIR 60 AND ARE STILL NOT GETTING WHAT THEY WANT! So, many of us liberals and progressives are just TOO FUCKING PISSED OFF TO VOTE IN 2010, which is the only reason the Republicans might take back a few seats. And let's remember that more Republicans are resigning this year than Democrats. Research, don't just read the llps of the television personalities.

The only thing that we are finding funny is that even with the prospect of liberals and progressives not voting this year is the fact that the Republican party is falling apart with the teabagger movement - which is right of right of center right. That movement came about because they believe that the Republicans are not conservative enough! This is what makes all of us laugh! The God fearing, God believing, holier than thou, marriage is for only man and woman, sinners abound in every action of individuals except them, the anyone that isn't white doesn't belong in this country, let's not let women have any reproductive choice, etc. party - which actually produces more adulterers, deviants, sexual predetors, liars, cheats, drug abusers, etc. think they represent Americans! The farther right the Republicans move, the more America is repusled. And nowhere was that ever clearer than in the NY-23 race. A district that has not sent a Democrat to congress in over 100 years, ended up doing so because of the hypocritical Republicans, the so called "normal" ones vs. the teabaggers. That fracture split the Republican voters, and voila, a Democrat was sent to Washington.

So, I say, keep on trucking. Personally, I am all for a third party, but the teabaggers are not a third party, they are a splinter group of disaffected nutjobs that may, or may not, take over the Republican party. A true third party would be the progressive independents and disaffected Democrats and Republicans that can't stand either party and move to form a cohesive organization that will actually give Americans what they want, and not place political agendas over the needs of this country.

PS, am still thinking of a bet.