Monday, January 04, 2010

Chickenshit, In All It's Bloom!

It's not about what matters, it's about politics, for Republicans.

Former state legislator Allan Quist is a Republican running to replace Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN) in 2010. As the Minnesota Independent reports, Quist told an audience at the Wabasha County Republicans Christmas party that the “big battle” he thinks conservatives should be fighting is not against terrorists, but liberals in Washington, D.C. (emphasis added).

Who cares if the planet falls apart, just so long as it is not done on the Republican's watch. Who cares if what is actually coming out of the mouth of people isn't a pile of crap? Oh (smacks self) all the damage has already been done on the Republican's watch, and they've been repeating the lies over and over again, "it's not our fault!" Please, please, remember, it's not terrorisim we are fighting, it's fucking liberals! (Lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!) We can only hope the little niche we've carved for ourselves will withstand the collapse.


For what it's worth, Rep. Walz, the one Quist is describing as a radical enemy of the U.S. and a more serious threat than al Qaeda, is a 24-year veteran of the National Guard, retiring as a command sergeant major and the highest ranking enlisted soldier in southern Minnesota.

It's going to be a long year.

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