Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Now Obama Is Just Lying To Our Faces

I realize he's not kept promises he made when he campaigned for President, and that once he became President, he's acted more like Bush than the man for change we can believe in. There hasn't been any change.

But his latest protestations from his mouth and that of his officials is the last straw. To claim that he never ran on, or even said he believed in, the public option, is outrageous. And sad.

At first I just thought that he had bad handlers in Emanual, et al. But now I know he's just a lying schmuck.

You can read about his lies here, and here.


Arno said...

He's reached Bush-level lying. We knew what Dubya was, and you could see right through him from the start. Now, Mr. Obama has revealed himself. What a d@*#'d shot to the heart, and I guess we should've seen this, too...ugh.
On a brighter note, have you seen the b/w pics from a freelance photographer, by the last name of Kim, of the Times Square Snowball Fight? Balm for the soul!
I could use some Patron right now, good bartender, and may you have a blessed holiday!

Tony said...

And sadly, you all seem surprised. That surprises me! Politics is politics. Carrie, look back at previous posts I made last year to you telling you he could not govern the way you want. No President can govern as far left as you would like, in the same way no President could govern as far right as I would like. Funny, W disappointed me because I felt he became too liberal, I held my nose and voted for McCain knowing he was too liberal for me, and now Obama who is way far to left for my liking has disappointed you by not being left enough and quite simply being a true politician, i.e., lying whenever his mouth is open. They all do that.

Carrie said...

Yeah, those B/W photos were really cool. Very crisp and distinctive. And way before the cop incident.

------------->\_/ patron for Arno ... :)

Carrie said...

Tony, you've said a shitload of crap and some truth during the time I've known you. So, let's not try to play the psychic card here, politically. You've said the very same thing about every Democratic presidential candidate since I've known you, and I, at least, went to a Republican National Convention with you, as your friend. So, you suck it up, damn it!

You know very well that national politics was nothing more than betting on a sports team for me, until Bush. Then you finally realized, I actually gave a damn. It's unfortunate that we ended up on different sides.

Obama may suck, and you may have said that, but then again, you've said EVERY Democrat sucks... so as a given, your opinion never really mattered. And, as we both know, after your own party dug you a hole that you ended up falling in, you are the last person to try to tell me, a non-partisan voter, I should have seen it coming.

PS, Your Bush was never liberal ... even to say that evokes laughter! Well, unless you are going to come out of the closet and tell us you are a teabagger!

Tony said...

There is no secret there, I am an active memeber of the Tea Party Organization. I was from the beginning here in NJ. My party did not dig a hole for me, you seem to have some mixed up thoughts as to my history. It was the NJ Democrats that dug my hole and Whitman the liberal piece of crap she was in GOP clothing turned her back on me after I publically humiliated her over partial birth abortion. Although I like the fact that Corzine lost the election, I don't have much faith in Chris Christie either, since he is a moderate at best. The only value he brings is he can replace Lautenberg with a Republican should he not be able to continue in the Senate. There are some rumors that Lautenberg will resign before Jan.19, so Corzine can fill the seat, and that he will appoint himself to that seat. I certainly hope that is not true. Oh and stopping by the hotel to pick me up to drive to Mexico, is NOT going to the Republican Convention. You were never a part of the convention. By the way, have a Merry Christmas.

Tony said...

Congratulations on teh Demcrats passage of the Healthcare Reform Bill. Now you will not have to worry about your prescription drugs, since it will be mandated that you purchase private health coverage. I have been paying for my own insurance for the past 14 years. Either through my business group plan when I covered my employees and I, or for the past 2 years since I retired, as an individual. I just received my renewal and my premium is now $310.00 per month since I had my heart attack. I'm glad the ones that choose to not pay for insurance will now have to man up and buy it or pay the penalty. Maybe Obama is not that bad after all. Having said that, I'm still against any governmant interferance in healthcare.

Carrie said...

The bill that passed is a pile of shit, and I for one, will not be purchasing any "mandated" insurance. I have never had insurance in my entire lifetime, and I am not about to start now. As for my prescription drugs, I am only on blood pressure medicine, which my doctor provides for free (I pay for my visit though, every five weeks, and I pay for all my blood workup -- which continually shows that my cholesterol is low, my sugar count normal, my liver and kidneys doing just fine, etc.). Since my blood pressure is tied up with the extra weight I put on this little body of mine, once that weight comes off (I love my treadmill), I will no longer need the BP medicine. Remember, I was the "organic" one, tending to go homeopathic on treatments for ailments. Working out and dancing all of my life has kept me quite healthy. And since I've been off the grid, as it were, for the past 25 years, I doubt I will be bothered by any IRS penalties (ha ha ha).