Wednesday, December 09, 2009

John Lennon

Every year I post on the passing of John. I decided to forgo it yesterday, mainly because next year will mark the 30th year since he was killed, and I intend to do a huge spread, culminating in posting pictures and stuff of what I am sure will be a huge crowd hanging out at his star in Hollywood.

Anyway -- I always think of him on December 8.


Arno said...

If there were three people I could bring back, it would be my grandmother, Molly Ivins, and John Lennon. This world sure could use them now.
I look forward to that post next year. Cheers!

Carrie said...

Thank you for your comments about John, Tom. Hope you enjoy the video I posted today, even if the realities will make us sad.

Arno -- hard to say which three I'd bring back, but John and Martin Luther King would be up there in my top two.

Arno said...

Aye, Carrie...MLK and RFK and Hunter Thompson and Frank Zappa and W.E.B. Dubois..okay, eight to bring back, and I could add so many more...geez, where are the true heroes when we need them?